England Football Online
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England's Uniforms

England's Home Uniform
September1946 to December1948

1935 Home Uniform
1949 Home Uniform

P 18 W 14 D 3 L 1 F 66:A 14
86% successful

Most Appearances  
Top Scorers  

England had played throughout the Second World War without emblems on their shirts, but the Victory Internationals of 1945 and 1946 saw their reappearance and England resumed full internationals at the beginning of the 1946-47 season.

Once more, navy blue shorts and black socks were paired with the shirt, but the socks now had white turnovers. They had discarded the pairs with a calf band, and hoops around the tops, in 1943. The following year saw England recognise a colour clash with their socks for the first time and they switched to a plain red pair, whenever they played Scotland. Interestingly, they also seem to have worn matching red numbers on their shirts, instead of the usual black.

They continued to wear red socks and red numbers when they came up against a team wearing blue or black socks after the war. As this was the case for the majority of England's opponents during this period, they appear to have worn them more often than the black socks.

More than one manufacturer supplied the kits. We believe St. Blaize and Hope Brothers were two of them, judging by the style of the numbers on the back of the shirts, but we are always on the lookout for further evidence, be it photographic or from the shirts themselves.

The shirts pictured at the top of the page were both worn by Neil Franklin. Simon Shakeshaft, curator of the Neville Evans National Football Shirt Collection supplied the number five shirt in the first two pictures and the one on the right was worn against Wales in 1948 and is part of Richard Clarke's 'Three Lions - England Match Worn Shirts' Facebook Collection.

Matches in Which England Wore the 1946 Home White Uniform

* England wore black socks with white tops in these games and plain red socks in the other games.

227 28 September 1946 7-2 vs. Ireland, Windsor Park, Belfast BC AW
228 30 September 1946* 1-0 vs. Republic of Ireland, Dalymount Park, Dublin Fr AW
229 13 November 1946* 3-0 vs. Wales, Maine Road, Manchester BC HW
230 27 November 1946 8-2 vs. Netherlands, Leeds Road, Huddersfield Fr HW
231 12 April 1947 1-1 vs. Scotland, Empire Stadium, Wembley, London BC HD
232 3 May 1947* 3-0 vs. France, Arsenal Stadium, Highbury, London Fr HW
233 18 May 1947* 0-1 vs. Switzerland, Hardturm Sportplatz, Zürich Fr AL
234 25 May 1947* 10-0 vs. Portugal, Estádio Nacional, Lisboa Fr AW
235 21 September 1947* 5-2 vs. Belgium, Stade du Centenaire, Bruxelles Fr AW
236 18 October 1947* 3-0 vs. Wales, Ninian Park, Sloper Road, Cardiff BC AW
237 5 November 1947 2-2 vs. Ireland, Goodison Park, Liverpool HD
238 19 November 1947 4-2 vs. Sweden, Arsenal Stadium, Highbury, London Fr HW
239 10 April 1948 2-0 vs. Scotland, Hampden Park, Mount Florida, Glasgow BC AW
240 16 May 1948 4-0 vs. Italy, Stadio Comunale di Torino, Torino Fr AW
241 26 September 1948 0-0 vs. Denmark, Idrætsparken, København Fr AD
242 9 October 1948 6-2 vs. Ireland, Windsor Park, Belfast BC AW
243 10 November 1948* 1-0 vs. Wales, Villa Park, Birmingham BC HW
244 2 December 1948 6-0 vs. Switzerland, Arsenal Stadium, Highbury, London Fr HW


England's Record wearing the 1946 Home Shirt
Type P W D L F A GD FTS CS FAv AAv Pts % W/L
Home 8 6 2 0 28 7 +21 0 4 3.50 0.875 87.5 +6
Away 10 8 1 1 38 7 +31 2 6 3.80 0.70 85.0 +7
Total 18 14 3 1 66 14 +52 2 10 3.667 0.778 86.1 +13

