PRESENT ; Messrs. C.
Crump (Chairman), R. P. Gregson (Secretary), England ; W. McCulloch
and J. Liddell, Scotland ; J. Davies and T. E. Thomas, Wales ; R. J.
Kirkpatrick and J. Ferguson, Ireland.
Mr. J. K. McDowall, Secretary Scottish F.A., was also in attendance.
The Minutes of the last meeting, held at Killarney on June 7th, 1905,
were read and confirmed.
The representatives of the Scottish F.A. intimated that it was their
intention at the next meeting to proposes that " 1st April " in Rule 3
be altered to read 8th April, and that Law 6 be altered so as to
provide that a player shall not be adjudged out of play, i.e.
off-side, on his own or defending side of field.
They asked that these proposals should be discussed by the Board, and
if in the event of their acceptance, a resolution to that effect be
submitted to the National Associations recommending their adoption.
The Chairman ruled that the proposition could not be entertained, as
the notice required by the Rules had not been given.
The Board called the attention of the Irish F.A. to the Rules which
provide that all proposed alterations of the Laws of the Game or Rules
of the International Board should be brought before their General
Meeting for consideration.
Mr. Kirkpatrick undertook that the Rules would be observed in future
by the Irish F.A.
Mr. Crump gave notice that at the next meeting The Football
Association would propose that neutral Linesman be appointed in all
International Matches.
A vote of thanks was passed to The Football Association for the
arrangements made and carried out for the entertainment of the
delegates attending the meeting.
A vote of thanks was passed to Mr. Crump for his services in the