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IFAB rules
1894 meeting
1895 meeting
1896 meeting
Proposals to be submitted to the International Board.  
Proposed by Rule Affected Proposed Alteration
Law 5
      That it be provided that the player, when throwing the ball, must be standing on the touch-line, and must not be allowed a run.
Do.                  do.
Law 6
     That it be made clear that the kick-off mentioned in last line but one is from the opponents' goal.
Do.                  do.
Law 6
     Substitute "plays" for "kicks" in line 1.
Do.                  do.
Law 6
     Substitute "playing" for "kicking" in lines 3 and 9.
Do.                  do.
Law 7
     That the word "within" before "six yards of the goal-post," and before "one yard of the nearest flag-post," be substituted by the words "from a point not exceeding."
Do.                  do.
Law 10
     That the Board be asked to define more clearly what is meant by the words "in the act of playing the ball."
Do.                  do.
     That the Board be asked to consider if it is desirable that Law 12 should be modified so as to admit of the referee sending his report to the Local Association in cases where misconduct occurs in minor matches.
Do.                  do.
    That the Board be asked to decide whether or not it is necessary for a referee to wait for an appeal before awarding penalties under Laws 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, or 16 ; and that the Laws be altered to make this clear.
Do.                  do.
Law 12
     Delete the words in italics at end of Rule, "without any appeal."
Do.                  do.
Law 14
     Delete the words "an appeal for any," and add "a" after the word "of" in line 1.
Do.                  do.
     That the Board be again asked to make some provision for the displacement of the goal-bar.
Do.                  do.
     That the Board be asked to decide if the term "place-kick" is necessary.
Do.                  do.
     Some clubs have proposed that the penalty line shall not extend from touch-line to touch-line, and that it shall be a radius from the goal instead of parallel with the goal-line. The Board is asked to give consideration to this matter.
Do.                  do.
     That the Board be asked to define what is meant by ball being rolled over, as provided by definition of free kick.
Do.                  do.
     At the last meeting of International Board the following matters were noted for consideration at the next meeting of the Board:-
               Qualification of Players for International Matches,
               Dimensions of Ground            do.          do.
               The use of Goal Nets             do.          do.