Held at the Offices of The Football Association, 61,
Chancery Lane, London, W.C., on Monday, 20th June, 1898.
Present—Messieurs C. Crump
(Chairman), R. P. Gregson (The Football Association) ; J.A. D. McLean
and J. H. McLaughlin (Scottish Football Association) ; D. W. Foy and
J. Reid (Irish Football Association) ; J. P. Owen and J. Davies
(Football Association of Wales) : Mr F. J. Wall (The Football
Association) attended and acted as
The Minutes of the Meeting held in Ireland on the 14th June, 1897,
were read and confirmed.
The question of domicile in connection with players eligible for
International Matches was further considered, and it was agreed that
no action should be taken.
The arrangement of the Laws of the Game, with marginal notes, was
considered sufficient to meet the decision of the Board that a
descriptive title be given to each Law.
It was agreed that no action should be taken upon the following
question, the Scottish Association having omitted to give the required
notice in accordance with the Minute:—
"The question of players signing League Forms for Clubs whilst
registered as professionals for another Association from that to which
the Club belongs was considered. The Board was unanimously of the
opinion that legislation was desirable on this subject, and that the
matter be formally considered at the next meeting. In the meantime the
Scottish Football Association to give notice by resolution."
The desirability of marking a line 18 yards from the goal line to
facilitate the taking of the Penalty Kick was further considered, and
it was agreed that the matter should be postponed until the next
The following alterations recommended by the Football Association were
adopted :—
LAW 1.—Delete
the word "ground" in line 13 and
substitute the words "field of play."
LAW 3.—Delete
the word "but" in line 4 and
substitute the word "and."
LAW 4.—Delete
the word "should become" in line 5
and substitute the word "is." Insert the word "line" between the
words "goal or" in line 11.
LAW 5.—Insert
the following words before the words "the thrower" in line
7. "A goal shall not be scored
from a throw in and."
Insert the word "in" at the end of the note to the Law.
LAW 6.—Delete
the word "one" in line 2 and
substitute the word "player." Delete the words "prevent any" in
line 5 and substitute the words
"interfere with an." Delete the words "from doing so" in lines
5 and 6.
LAW 7.—Delete
the word "post" in line 8 and
substitute the word "staff."
LAW 8.—Delete
the words "neither carry, knock on, nor wilfully" in line
1 and substitute the words "not
intentionally." Delete the words "either by knocking on or
throwing" in line 5. Insert the
word "by" between the words "not carrying" in line
LAW 10.—Delete
the third sentence and substitute the following sentence:—"A
player shall not be charged from behind unless he is facing his own
goal and is also intentionally impeding an opponent."
LAW 11.—Delete
the syllable "ing" in the word "expecting" in line
Delete the words "Bars shall be transverse and flat, not less than one
and a half inches in length, and half an inch in width," in lines
7, 8 and 9, and substitute
the sentence ; "Bars shall be transverse and flat, not less than half
an inch in width, and shall extend from side to side of the boot."
[This alteration is not to come into force until commencement of the
Season of 1899-1900.]
Delete the last sentence and substitute the sentence "The Referee
shall if required examine the players' boots before the commencement
of a match."
LAW 12.—Delete
the words "in such manner as they may deem necessary" in lines
13 and 14.
Between the words "to suspend" in line 14,
insert the words "allow for time wasted, to".
Delete the word "also" in line 15.
LAW 13.—Between
the words "assist in" in line 5
insert the words "the Referee."
Delete the words "to which the linesmen belongs" in lines 7 and 8 and
insert the words "having jurisdiction over him."
Delete the words "as they may deem necessary" at the end of the law.
LAW 14.—Delete
the word "wilfully" in line 2 and
substitute the word "intentionally."
Delete the word "to" in line 5 and
substitute the words "which shall."
LAW 16.—Delete
the words "at the spot" in line 4.
Delete the words "and the" in line 5
and substitute the word "The."
LAW 17.—Delete
the word "spot" in line 3 and
substitute the word "place."
Delete the words "took place" at the end of the Law and substitute the
word "occurred."
The following alteration to Law 4,
recommended by The Football Association, was not adopted :—
LAW 4.—Delete
the words "not being thrown, knocked on, nor carried by any player of
the attacking side," in lines 2, 3, and 4, and substitute the words
"provided no law of the game has been previously infringed."
CARRYING :—Insert the words
"by the goal-keeper" between the words "Carrying is."
the following definition : Handling is intentionally playing the ball
with the hand or arm, and Tripping is intentionally throwing, or
attempting to throw, an opponent by the use of legs, or by stooping in
front of or behind him. Unless in the opinion of the Referee handling
or tripping is intentional no punishment shall be imposed ; thus,
within the 12 yards line, a Referee
must enforce Law 14, and has no
power to mitigate the penalty.
The following recommendation from the Scottish Football Association
was considered :—
"That an agreement be come to between the four National Associations,
whereby a player, when selected for International Matches (trial games
included), is directly under the jurisdiction of the Association
selecting him."
It was pointed out to the representatives of the Scottish Association
that The Football Association could not give to another Association
the power to deal with its registered players contrary to Law
12. The representatives of the
Scottish Association intimated that The Football Association would be
asked to recognise the right of the Scottish Association to call upon
Scotch players who are members of English Clubs to take part in the
International Matches between England and Scotland. The
representatives of The Football Association undertook that such an
application, when made, should be duly considered.
No notice having been received from a National Association, it was
agreed that the following recommendation from the Annual Conference
held at Glasgow, on 2nd April, 1898, could not be considered :—
"Law 14. That the penalty kick be taken from a point on the twelve
yards line, opposite to which the infringement of the Law took place."
It was resolved that it be a recommendation to Associations that a
Rule be adopted—"That in cases of disputes between Clubs and
Players, legal proceedings shall not be taken except as a last
resource, and then only with the previous consent of the Association
This matter was discussed, and at the request of the representatives
of the Scottish Association was deferred for further consideration by
the Associations affected.
C. CRUMP, Chairman. R.P.
Gregson F. J. WALL,
Confirmed Mr J.W. McLaughlin Glasgow 19
June 1899