PRESENT:—Messrs. T.
E. Thomas (in the Chair), J. Davies
(Football Association of the Wales),
C. Crump, R. P.
Gregson (Football Association), A. R. Kirkwood, R. M.
(Scottish Football Association), J. Reid
(Irish Football Association).
1.—The Minutes of the General Meeting held June 19th, 1899, were
taken as read and were confirmed.
2.—Mr. Reid proposed that in Law 1 (Laws of the Game) provision
be made for a line indicating the position that players should stand
to when a penalty kick is being taken, and suggested a short
dotted or other line 18 yards from goal. After some discussion Mr Reid
withdrew his motion.
3.—Mr. Reid also proposed that the words "or when the ball is
kicked off from goal" be deleted from Law 6. The proposal, after being
discussed for some time, was withdrawn.
4.—The proposed motion of the Scottish Football Association, to
provide for the Penalty Kick (Law 14) being taken at a point on the 12
yards line opposite to where the to where the infringement took place,
was withdrawn.
5.—Mr. Davies proposed that the words "and within 12 yards from
either goal post" be inserted after "own goal line" in Law 14. The
proposal was opposed and consequently dropped.
6.—The Chairman proposed "That each National Association, for
the purpose of an International Match, may select and have the right
to the services of any player playing for a Club under the
jurisdiction of another National Association, and that all necessary
steps be taken by each National Association to secure the observance
of this Rule." This proposal not meeting with the requisite support,
fell through.
7.—Mr. Crump proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. McDowall,
Secretary of the Scottish F.A., for the trouble taken by him in
procuring the Minutes of past meetings of the Board where they were
missing, thus rendering it possible to complete the records. This was
seconded by Mr. Gregson, and carried unanimously.
8.—Mr. Crump presented a list of the Agreements come to by the
Board, culled by him from the Minutes, in pursuance of a resolution of
last year's meeting. It was resolved on the motion of Mr. Kirkwood,
seconded by Mr. Reid, that Mr. Crump be asked to have such Agreements
printed, and copies sent to each National Association.—Carried.
9.—The Chairman proposed that the thanks of the Board be given
to Mr. Crump for the trouble he has taken in going through the Minutes
and providing the list mentioned in Minute 8. Mr. Reid seconded
this motion, which was carried unanimously.
10.—Mr. Crump proposed, and Mr. Christie seconded, a vote of
thanks to the Chairman.—Carried unanimously.