Present:—Messrs. C. Crump (Chairman), R. P. Gregson (The
Football Association), A. R. Kirkwood, R. Dickson (Scottish Football
Association), D. W. Foy, J. Sheehan (Irish Football Association), T.
E. Thomas, J. Davies (Football Association of Wales) ; also present :
F. J. Wall (Secretary The Football Association) and J. K. McDowall
(Secretary Scottish Football Association).
Minutes of Meeting held at the Royal Hotel, Giant's Causeway, Ireland,
on the 17th June, 1901, were read and confirmed.
Laws of the Game.—The proposals by The Football Association for
alteration of the Laws of the Game were considered, and amended as
follows, and adopted :—
game should be played by 11
players on each side. The field of play shall be as shown in the
plan at the end of these Laws,
subject to the following provisions :—The
dimensions of the field of play shall be—maximum length,
130 yards ; minimum length, 100 yards ; maximum breadth,
100 yards ; minimum breadth, 50 yards. The field of
play shall be marked by boundary lines. The lines at each end are the
goal-lines, and the lines at the sides are the touch-lines. The
touch-lines shall be drawn at right angles with the goal-lines. A flag
with a staff not less than 5 feet high shall be placed at
each corner. A half-way line shall be marked out across the
field of play. The centre of the field of play shall be indicated by a
suitable mark, and a circle with a 10 yards radius shall be
made round it. The goals shall be upright posts fixed on the
goal-lines, equi-distant from the corner flag staffs, 8 yards
apart, with a bar across them 8 feet from the ground. The
maximum width of the goal-posts and the maximum depth of the cross-bar
shall be 5 inches. Lines shall be marked 6 yards
from each goal-post at right angles to the goal-lines for a distance
of 6 yards, and these shall be connected with each other by a
line parallel to the goal-lines ; the space within these lines shall
be the goal area. Lines shall be marked 18 yards from each
goal-post at right angles to the goal-lines for a distance of 18
yards, and these shall be connected with each other by a line parallel
to the goal-lines ' the space within these lines shall be the penalty
area. A suitable mark shall be made opposite the centre of each goal,
12 yards from the goal-line ; this shall be the penalty kick
mark. The circumference of the
ball shall not be less than 27
inches, nor
more than 28
inches. In International matches, the dimensions of
the field of play shall be—maximum length, 110 yards ;
maximum breadth 80 yards ; minimum breadth, 70 yards
; and at the commencement of the game the weight of the ball shall be
from 13 to 15 ounces.
as otherwise provided by these laws, a goal shall be scored when the
ball has passed between the goal-posts under the bar, not being
thrown, knocked on, nor carried by any player of the attacking side.
If from any cause during the progress of the game the bar is
displaced, the Referee shall have power to award a goal if in his
opinion the ball would have passed under the bar if it had not been
displaced. The ball is in play if it rebounds from a goal-post,
cross-bar, or a corner flagstaff into the field of play. The ball is
in play if it touches the Referee or a Linesman when in the field of
play. The ball is out of play when it has crossed the goal-line or
touch-line, either on the ground or in the air.
the ball is played behind the goal-line by a player of the opposite
side, it shall be kicked off by any one of the players behind whose
goal-line it went, within that half of the goal area nearest
the point where the ball left the field of play ; but, if played
behind by any one of the side whose goal-line it is, a player of the
opposite side shall kick it from within 1 yard of the nearest
corner flag-staff. In either case an opponent shall not be allowed
within 6 yards of the ball until it is kicked off.
8.—The goal-keeper may within his
own half of the field of play, use his hands, but shall not carry the
ball. The goal-keeper shall not be charged except when he is holding
the ball, or obstructing an opponent, or when he has passed outside
the goal area. The goal-keeper may be changed during the game,
but notice of such change must first be given to the Referee.
no case shall a goal be scored from any free-kick, nor shall the ball
be again played by the kicker until it has been played by another
player. The kick-off, corner-kick, and goal-kick shall be free-kicks
within the meaning of this Law.
tripping, kicking, nor jumping at a player shall be allowed. A
player (the goal-keeper excepted), shall not intentionally handle the
ball under any pretence whatever. A player shall not use his hands to
hold or push an opponent. A player shall not be charged from
behind, unless he is facing his own goal, and is also intentionally
impeding an opponent.
Linesmen shall be appointed, whose duty
when the ball is out of play, and which side is entitled to the
corner-kick, goal-kick, or throw-in ; and to assist the Referee in
carrying out the game in accordance with the Laws. In the event of any
undue interference or improper conduct by a Linesman the Referee
shall have power to order him off the field of play and appoint a
substitute, and report the circumstances to the National
Association having jurisdiction over him, who shall deal with the
the event of a supposed infringement of the Laws, the ball shall be in
play until a decision has been given.
the event of any temporary suspension of play from any cause, the
ball not having gone into touch or behind the goal-line,
the Referee
shall throw the ball up where it was when
play was suspended, and the ball shall be in play when it has touched
the ground. If the ball goes into touch or behind the goal-line before
it is played by a player, the Referee shall again throw it up.
The players on either side shall not play the ball until it has
touched the ground.
16.—In the event of any infringement of
Laws 2, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 15, a free-kick shall be awarded to the opposite
side, from the place where the infringement occurred. In the event
of any intentional infringement of Law 10 outside the penalty area, or
by the attacking side within the penalty area, a free kick shall be
awarded to the opposite side from the place where the infringement
occurred. In the event of any intentional infringement of Law 10 by
the defending side within the penalty area, the Referee shall award
the opponents a penalty kick which shall be taken from the penalty
kick mark under the following conditions ;—All players, with the
exception of the player taking the penalty kick and the opponents'
goal-keeper shall be outside the penalty area. The opponents'
goal-keeper shall be within the goal area. The ball must be kicked
forward. The ball shall be in play when the kick is taken, and a goal
may be scored from a penalty kick ; but the ball shall not be again
played by the kicker until it has been played by another player. If
necessary, time of play shall be extended to admit of the penalty kick
being taken. A free kick shall also be awarded to the opposite
side if the ball is not kicked forward, or is played a second time by
the player who takes the penalty kick, until it has been
played by another player.
TRIPPING.—Handling is intentionally playing the ball with
the hand or arm, and Tripping is intentionally throwing, or attempting
to throw, an opponent by the use of the legs, or by stooping in front
of or behind him.
Referred to in Law of the Game 1.

The Board were unable to approve of the following proposal by the
Scottish Football Association ;—
Law 6.—After
word "played," to read ;— "Unless there are at such moment of
playing or throwing in at least two of his opponents nearer
their own goal line."
The following proposals by the Scottish Football Association were
withdrawn, the principle having been adopted upon the proposals of The
Football Association ;—
Law 14.—Delete "12 yards from his own goal line" and substitute
"a radius of 12 yards from either goal post."
14.—Delete "any point 12 yards from the goal line" and insert
"the 12 yards line opposite to where the infringement took place."
The Board decided that the Touch and Goal lines must not be marked by
a V-shaped
Law 2.—The
Board decided that if the ball is nor properly kicked off, a free-kick
must be given to the opponents.
Law 10.—The
Board came to the following decision ;—Cases of handling the
ball, and tripping, pushing, kicking or holding an opponent, and
charging an opponent from behind may so happen as to be considered
unintentional, and when this is so, no penalty must be awarded.
The following Agreement was approved as applicable and binding upon
the four National Associations ;—
"A ny case
of misconduct on the part of Clubs,
players or officials which may occur in connection with any match
shall be dealt with by the Association under whose jurisdiction that
match is played, and each Association will adopt and carry out
the decision of the other with regard to such cases."
The Board recommended that each Association should print in its Book
of Rules the Agreements from time to time entered into by the
International Board.
A letter was read from the Dutch F.A. [ referred by The Football
Association ] suggesting the playing of matches with teams
representing the Dutch Association, and also the founding of an
International Association to promote football in Europe, arrange an
International Championship, and secure uniformity in the laws of the
game for all countries. The Board decided to send a copy of the letter
to the Associations of Scotland, Ireland and Wales for consideration
and report.
Law 16.—The
Board decided that a penalty kick can be awarded irrespective of the
position of the ball at the time the offence is committed.
A vote of thanks was accorded to Mr. C. Crump for acting as Chairman.
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