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IFAB rules
1908 meeting
1910 meeting
The International Football Association Board meeting  

The International


The Annual Meeting of above was held at the Great Northern Hotel, Bundoran, on Saturday, 12th June, 1909, when the Representatives present were—Messrs. A. H. Thompson (presiding) and J MacBride, Irish Football Association ; C. Crump and R. P. Gregson, The Football Association ; W. Lorimer and A. M. Robertson, Scottish Association ; J. Davies and T. E. Thomas, The Football Association of Wales.

There were also present—T. Steen and J. K. McDowall, Scottish Association ; W. B. Burrowes, G. Tomlinson, J. M. Wilton and J. Ferguson, Irish Association, the latter acting as Secretary.

The minutes of the meeting held at Llandrindod Wells, Wales, on 19th and 20th June, 1908, were read and confirmed.

The Board decided that notice of motion, standing in name of Mr. Liddell, re Board arranging dates for International Matches was out of order, as notice had not been sent in writing according to Rule 3.


The following amendments to the Laws were proposed on behalf of the Football Association by Mr. Crump, seconded by Mr. MacBride, and passed unanimously—

Law 13—Third Sentence—Delete "have power to."

Fourth Sentence—Substitute the following for the present sentence —" The referee shall allow for time wasted, lost through accident, or other cause, suspend or terminate the game whenever by reason of darkness, interference by spectators or other cause he may deem necessary ; but in all cases in which a game is so terminated he shall report the same to the Association under whose jurisdiction the game was played, who shall deal with the matter."

Fifth Sentence—Delete " have power to."

The following amendment to Laws proposed by Football Association was not carried—

Law 17—Footnote A.—After " ball " in the second line insert " if the game is in progress."

The following proposal by the Irish Football Association was withdrawn on the understanding that each Association, when requested, would use its influence to have players allowed off when selected in International matches

" That each Association, members of this Board, must arrange that any player or players (playing under their jurisdiction, and of a different nationality) selected to play in International matches be released for such matches."

The following Resolution passed by Scottish Association was read

" The attention of this Association has been drawn to the fact that at the Olympic Games an eleven under the title of the United Kingdom competed, and we wish to point out that such a title was a misnomer, Scotland being without representation. We desire to protest against one National body in the British Isles being termed the United Kingdom, or playing as such without the consent of the other three National Associations."

The Football Association representatives explained that this was the name given by the authorities, and that so far as the Football Association was concerned they had nothing to do with the matter. The Scottish Association were satisfied with this answer.

The Scottish Association gave the following notices of motion—

" That illegal approaching of players registered with one Association by clubs under control of another Association be recognised as an infringement."

" That the International Fixtures for 1912 be arranged at the next meeting of the International Board."

A vote of thanks was passed to the Chairman for presiding.

A. H. THOMPSON, Chairman.