Minutes of Meeting held at Paris, Hotel Palais d'Orsay,
13th June 1913.
Present the following Representatives : BARON DE
LAVELEYE (in the Chair), and Messrs. C. A. W. HIRSCHMAN
(Secretary), Fédération Internationale de Football
Association ; C. CRUMP, D. B. WOOLFALL,
The Football Association ; D. CAMPBELL, T. WHITE,
The Scottish Football Association ; J. R. STEPHENS,
T. ROBBINS, The Football Association of Wales ;
The Irish Football Association.
Also present—F. J. WALL, The Football
Association ; T. STEEN, J. K. MCDOWALL,
The Scottish Football Association ; J. FERGUSON,
The Irish Football Association.
Apologies for absence were received from Messrs. R. T. GOUGH,
Football Association of Wales ; and H. HEGAN,
The Irish Football Association.
The minutes of Meeting held at Portrush, on 14th June, 1913, were read
and confirmed after adding the following words on page 2 :
As the controversial point of exact reading of Law 6 was not on the
Agenda, no vote was taken.
The following proposals by the Football Association were passed :
Law 7.—
Substitute " 10 yards " for " 6 yards."
Law 9.—
After " kicking " insert " striking."
Law 13.—
At the end of the first sentence add the following
words : " so far as the result of the game is concerned."
Law 16.—
First sentence : delete " throw the ball down " and
substitute " again drop it."
Second sentence : delete " again throw it down " and substitute "
again drop it."
The following proposals by the Football Association were by leave
withdrawn :
Law 13.—
Delete the following words from the third sentence "
and shall transmit the name or names of such player or players to his
or their National Association " and substitute " and shall report the
same to the Association under whose jurisdiction the game was played."
To rescind the decision of the International Board :
" Referees may in certain circumstances send their reports to the
affiliated Association concerned."
Law 14.—
Second sentence :—Delete " National."
The following proposal by the Scottish Football Association was passed :
Law 13.—(d) Decision
of the International Board to be inserted after the word
" cause "
in third line of fourth sentence :
A player who is injured during a match shall be at once removed
outside the nearest goal, or touchline, and the game resumed.
To delete the fourth paragraph of the agreement of June 18th, 1894,
and substitute the following :
It was agreed between the Representatives of England and Scotland that
the Home Association shall send the Visiting Association 150 tickets
for covered stand, seven days before the match.
The following proposals from the same Association were not accepted :
Law 6.—
First sentence. Delete " three " and substitute "
Law 13.—
Third sentence, after word " cause " insert " He
shall not stop the game for an accident to a player until the ball has
gone out of play (d). He
By permission of the Meeting Mr. Crump invited attention to the
position of the Clubs of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Ireland, in respect of soldiers and sailors :—
The Football Association has found it necessary to adopt rules
forbidding a soldier whilst serving with the colours, or a sailor
whilst serving in the Royal Navy, being approached by any club or
person without at least 14 days notice to the Commanding Officer ; and
a soldier or sailor whose discharge is obtained by purchase, being
registered as a professional till 12 months has expired, or being
allowed to play as an amateur during that period without the
permission of the Association.
The Associations of Scotland, Wales, and Ireland were earnestly asked
to adopt similar legislation, and were assured that the Football
Association will be pleased to give further information, or
assistance, with a view to bring this about.
Mr. Crump gave notice that at the next Meeting of the Board he will
direct attention to the fact that the order of the provisions of the
last sentence of Law 6 is not the same in the Handbook of the Irish
Association, as in the books of the other Associations ; and will
propose that this anomaly be remedied.
A vote of thanks to the Chairman and Secretary was passed unanimously.
C. A. W.
HIRSCHMAN, Secretary.