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The International Football Association Board meeting  

The International Football Association Board,


Northern Counties Hotel, Portrush,

Saturday, 14th June, 1913.

The ANNUAL MEETING of above was held on above date, when the Representatives present were—Messrs. H. Hegan (presiding), J. MacBride, Irish Football Association, Ltd. ; C. C. Crump and F. J. Wall, The Football Association, Ltd., ; D. Campbell, J. K. McDowall, The Scottish Football Association, Ltd. ; T. E. Thomas, J. R. Stephens, Football Association of Wales ; Baron de Laveleye, D. B. Woolfall, Federation Internationale de Football Association.

There were also present—D. W. Foy (Ireland) and J. Ferguson, Irish Football Association, the latter acting as Secretary.

Apologies for absence were received from Messrs. Robertson, Steen, Robbins and Hirschmann.

Secretary read notice convening Meeting.

The minutes of Meeting held at Aberystwyth, on 8th June, 1912, were read and confirmed, subject to the deletion of the portion referring to the reinstatement of professionals as amateurs.

The minutes of Special Meetings held at Wrexham, on 22nd February, 1913, and at London, on 4th April, 1913, were read and confirmed.

The Board decided that the alterations passed on 4th April, and confirmed at this Meeting, be printed and sent to each Association.

The following alterations, as proposed by Scottish Football Association, Ltd., did not receive the Statutory majority, and were therefore not passed :—

1.—The game shall be played by eleven players on each side. The field of play shall be shown in the plan at the end of these Laws, subject to the following provisions :—The dimensions of the field of play shall be—maximum length, 130 yards ; minimum length, 100 yards ; maximum breadth, 100 yards ; minimum breadth, 55 yards, etc.

6.—When a player plays the ball, or throws it in from touch, any player of the same side who at such moment of playing or throwing-in is nearer to his opponents' goal-line, is out of play, and may not touch the ball himself, nor in any way whatever interfere with an opponent, or with the play, until the ball has been again played, unless there are at such moment of playing or throwing-in at least two of his opponents nearer their own goal-line. A player is not out of play in the case of a corner-kick, or when the ball is kicked off from goal, or when it has been last played by an opponent, or when he himself is within his own half of the field of play at the moment the ball is played or thrown in from touch by any player of the same side.

It was agreed that the word " shall," in Law 1, line 1, was wrong, and same should be " should," also that on line 2, after word " be," that word " as " should be reinserted.

In Law 6, Mr. Wall (England) held that on line 10 all the Rule Books were different from that of Ireland, and they should be brought into conformity with the minutes as passed by this International Board.  Mr. MacBride (Ireland) produced minutes to show that Ireland had Law 6 exactly as was passed by the International Board. As the controversial point of the lost wording of Law 6 was not upon the agenda, no vote was taken.

The following alterations, as proposed by the Football Association, England, were passed :—

Law 9.—
Second line : After " goal-keeper " insert " within his own penalty area."

Law 10.—
For the first sentence substitute the following : "When a free kick has been awarded the kicker's opponents shall not approach within 10 yards of the ball until the kick is taken, unless they are standing on their own goal line."

With regard to the proposal by the Scottish Football Association, to prevent unseemly scrambling for the ball at the finish of International and other Matches, the following agreement was unanimously passed :—

"The ball used in any match shall be considered the property of the Association, or Club, on whose ground the match is played, and at the close of play it must be returned to the referee."

The following proposal made by the Irish Football Association, Ltd., was, after discussion, withdrawn :—

"That any player or players reported by the referee, or either of the Associations concerned, for any offence in connection with International Matches, shall be dealt with only by the International Board—a simple majority to carry."

Baron de Laveleye proposed and Mr. C. C. Crump seconded a vote of thanks to the Chairman for presiding. Same was passed unanimously.