"THIS was the blackest day in British sport. At four o'clock
yesterday afternoon when the news came stuttering onto this office
over the teleprinters, the first reaction was one of numbed
disbelief. On board was old friend and colleague Archie Ledbrooke,
the man who lived for Soccer. There was Henry Rose, too, Daily
Express sports writer, Eric Thompson (Daily Mail) and George
Follows (Daily Herald). Then there was that fabulous figure, big
Frank Swifty—Swifty." Peter Wilson, Daily
3.04pm Thursday, 6 February 1958 |
"AN Elizabethan
airliner" 'Lord Burghley', an
Airspeed AS-57 Ambassador
British European Airways Flight 609 "at
200 m.p.h. it crashed in flames on
its third attempt at take off in a snowstorm" at Flughafeb München-Riem, West Germany.
"Twenty-one men—among them some of the brightest stars in British football—were feared to have died in the crash. Seven of them were members of the champion Manchester United football team.
Twenty-three of the forty-four people aboard the plane survived,
including Matt Busby, two air hostesses and a baby. Names of the
missing include Archie Ledbrooke." "Press photographer, Peter
Howard, 30, of the Daily Mail, one of the survivors gave a graphic
description....It was snowing when we landed in Munich. We went
off for refreshments and then back to the aircraft to continue the
flight. I was sitting in the front row of seats on the starboard
side. When the pilot tried to take off there seemed to be some
kind of slight fault with the engines. He stopped. Then he tried a
second take off. Them did not seem satisfactory, so he taxied back
to the apron to get things checked up.
think we were about the end of the runway only a bit above the
ground. The plane suddenly appeared to be breaking up. Seats
started to crumble. Everything seemed to be falling to pieces. It
was a rolling sensation and all sorts of stuff started coming down
SECONDS. "I can't remember whether there was a bang or not.
Everything stopped all at once. I was so dazed I just scrambled
about. Then I found a hole in the wreckage and crawled out on
hands and knees. Harry Gregg, Ted Ellyard, the two stewardesses,
the radio officer and myself went back into the wreckage. I saw
Captain Thain start putting out small fires with an extinguisher.
It looked as though those who had been sitting in front of the
plane were the lucky ones. The luckiest of all were those in
backward facing seats. Part of the engines of the airliner had
gone forward for 150 yards and hit a small house, which burst into
flames, but the fuselage did not catch fire."
"The chartered twin-engined Elizabethan
airliner, after refuelling at Munich airport, crashed into a shed
stacked with petrol and oil. The plane itself did not explode. But
the shed and its contents became a raging inferno. Rescue workers
said that many of the victims died still strapped in their seats.
'As the fire spread, the safety straps became bonds of death.'
Burning debris was scattered for about 300 yards around, setting
several houses on fire....Parts of it hit a house in which there
was a woman and her four children. All escaped unhurt when
the house caught fire and burned fiercely. Dead and injured
passengers were left in the trail of the wreckage. Fourteen people
were left in the main body of the plane. Harry Gregg worked like a
giant, along with newspapermen and crew members, to lift wreckage,
which was trapping the leg of Ray Wood. Beside Wood, lay Albert
Scanlon who had a severe gash over his forehead and could not be
moved until Wood was freed. Despite the danger of fire Gregg led
us into the body of the aircraft to look for other survivors. We
found only one man left inside, this was Ken Morgans who was
almost buried in the wreckage and luggage. The two stewardesses
worked frantically with us to get Morgans free. These girls and
other members of the crew showed exemplary calm and courage. The
pilot was trapped in his legs at the controls. The airport staff
had to cut and hack wreckage to get him free. He is now in
hospital with all the others."
THE two who are known to have
died in the crash are: Frank Swift, the famous footballer
and sports writer, and the aircraft's steward, W. T.
Cable, of Farnham Common, Buckinghamshire. Frank Swift
died in hospital. THOSE FEARED DEAD include: The UNITED
secretary, Walter Crickmer, coach Bert Whalley; captain
and left back Roger Byrne; centre forward Tommy Taylor;
centre half Mark Jones; right half Eddie Colman; inside
right Billy Whelan; outside left David Pegg; left back
Geoff Bent; T. Curry, trainer, and W. Satinoff, a director
. . . Also feared dead are sports writers: Archie
Ledbrook, Daily Mirror; George Follows, Daily Herald;
Henry Rose, Daily Express; Alec Thompson, Daily Mail;
Frank Taylor, News Chronicle; H.D. Davies, Manchester
Guardian, and Alf Clarke, Manchester Evening Chronicle.
Unaccounted for is Mr. S. P. Miklos, the travel agent who
arranged the chartered trip. His wife is in hospital.
Here is a list of the known SURVIVORS: Manchester United:
Matt Busby, manager; Harry Gregg, goalkeeper; Ray Wood,
goalkeeper; Billy Foulkes, right back; Jackie Blanchflower,
centre-half; Dennis Viollet, inside-left; John Berry,
outside-right; Ken Morgans, outside-right; Bobby Charlton,
inside-right; Bert Scanlon, outside-left; Duncan Edwards,
left-half; Pressmen: Peter Howard and Edward Ellyard, of
the Daily Mail. Other passengers: Bejsja Tomaschewitz,
Yugoslav consular department; Andrew Macdonald, Mrs.
Eleanor Miklos, Mrs. Lukic, wife of the Yugoslav military
attached in London, and her baby. Crew: James Thain,
captain; Kenneth Raymond, first officer, of Billingshurst,
Sussex; George Rodgers, senior radio officer, of
Harlington, Middlesex, and two stewardesses — Margaret
Bellis, who comes from Darlington, and Rosemary Cheverton,
of Shepherd's Bush, London." |
"Back into Manchester only half an
hour before the news broke went United's assistant manager, 46
year-old Jimmy Murphy. He had arrived from Cardiff, where the job
of managing the Welsh team against Israel kept him out of United's
party for the first time. "I would have been on this trip had
Wales not called on me to manage their World Cup side." He took
over the arrangements for informing wives and relatives of the
party. The club's telephone system was jammed with incoming calls.
Mr. Murphy and assistant secretary, Mr. Les Olive often had to
wait several minutes to get an out-going call. As the buzzers of
nearby factories hooted at 5 and 5.30p.m. dozens of men, women and
boys ran to the locked office doors asking for confirmation of the
rumours they had heard at work. By six o'clock a crowd of 60 had
gathered. There were tears in the eyes of some when they were told
that first reports had put the death toll as high as 30."
"THE 21 dead were
officially named early today as:
Roger Byrne, Mark
Jones, Billy
Whelan, Eddie Colman,
Tommy Taylor, Geoff
Bent, David
Pegg, Walter
Crickmer, Bert
Whalley, Tom Currie.
Swift, Tom Jackson,
Archie Ledbrooke,
H.D. Davies, Eric
Thompson, Henry
Rose, George
Follows, Alf Clarke.
OTHERS: W.T. Cable,
Miklos, W.
Harry Gregg,
Ray Wood bruises and flesh wounds, William Foulkes,
Jackie Blanchflower is reported to
have complicated fractures of the arm, shock, broken
ribs, fractured pelvis and internal injuries,
Dennis Viollet
shock and head injuries John Berry
shock, concussion and eye injury,
Ken Morgans concussion and
suspected fractures, Bobby Charlton
slight head injuries, leaving hospital, Bert Scanlon shock and head
injuries, Duncan Edwards
shock, broken ribs and fractured right leg and Matt Busby. JOURNALISTS:
Peter Howard, Edward Ellyard,
Frank Taylor. OTHERS: Mrs Nebojsha
Tomasevic, Eleanor Miklos, Mmme Vera
Lukic and her baby. CREW:
James Thain, K.G. Rayment, G.W Rodgers, Rosemary
Margaret Bellis. |
"Four surgical teams have performed 20 operations on the
Allowed to leave the Rechts der Isar Hospital in Munich were Bill
Foulkes, Harry Gregg, Peter Howard, Ted Ellyard, Captain James
Thain, Margaret Bellis and Rosemary Cheverton. The board of
directors of Wolverhampton Wanderers ordered their club flag to be
flown at half mast in memory of the victims of the crash.
"WIVES and families of the Manchester United men injured in the
air disaster at Munich, flew in here tonight after battling through
raging snowstorms to get to the bedsides of their menfolk. As they
arrived doctors were still fighting for the lives of several of
the injured. Among those critically ill and not yet out of dangers
is manager Matt Busby. Earlier in the day Matt, a Roman Catholic,
had been given the last rites by a priest. And he did not know
last night that his wife Jean had arrived in Munich. He lay in bed
beneath a transparent oxygen tent, breathing heavily under the
influence of drugs, as she tip-toed into his ward.....Later Mrs.
Busby went in to see the injured 'Babes' who lay in other wards.
The most seriously injured of all is Johnny Berry. His wife,
Hilda, fair haired and pretty, went in to see him. John was too
ill to recognise her and she had to be helped from the ward. In
the same ward were Jackie Blanchflower and Duncan Edwards, also
seriously ill. Jackie's wife, Jean, and Duncan's fiancee, Miss
Molly Leech, 22, went into the ward. But again, the two men did
not know that the two women were standing there. Among the others
who flew in were Mrs. Jean Scanlon, wife of Bert, who was badly
injured but said to be 'improving,' and Mrs. Barbara Viollet, wife
of Denis, who was reported 'very ill.' With them was Mrs. Betty
Wood, wife of Ray, who was said to be 'ill.' The relatives arrived
in three planes. As they came in to land they flew over the
wreckage. Earlier in the day Munich airport was closed down
because of snowstorms. It re-opened in time for the three planes
to land, but another plane from England had to divert to
"I want all United supporters to know that everything possible
is being done for the lads, This is one of the greatest hospitals
I have ever been in. I have heard it was the greatest in Europe.
It is certainly true."
- Jimmy Murphy
"THE commander of the airliner today revealed that the
port engine was not running normally just before the take-off
crash. It was giving full power but it had a varying note. 'There
was a surge of power,' explained 37-year-old Captain James Thain.
Twice he taxied out to take off. Twice he turned back because of
the engine. But after B.E.A.'s British station engineer at Munich
airport had reported it to be completely satisfactory Thain gave
the order for the third and fatal take-off attempt. His
description of the last few seconds on take-off appear to confirm
that it was a failure of one of the two engines that was
responsible for the crash. Mr. Anthony Milward, B.E.A.'s chief
executive, repeated today that there was no question of sabotage.
Thain was not at the controls when the plane crashed. The take-off
was made by Captain Kenneth Rayment. He volunteered to deputise
for the airliner's regular co-pilot, who was on leave."
"Professor George Maurer, of Munich's Isar Hospital, said of
Duncan Edwards, whose injuries include compound fractures of the
right leg: 'In such cases it may be years before the patient
regains full use of his legs.'"
"Manchester United were due to play Wolves at Manchester
tomorrow. But last night the Football League secretary,
Alan Hardaker, said the game had been postponed. The
rest of the League programme would be played, he said,
but details of mourning arrangements, including a
two-minute silence before each kick-off, with flags at
half-mast and the players wearing black arm-bands, would
be sent to all clubs. "Joe Richards, League
president, said the next full meeting of the Management
Committee, on Sunday week, would re-consider the
question of a ban on clubs flying to and from matches." |
Saturday, 8 February 1958
"THESE were the conditions
of the 13 injured: |
Matt Busby
shock, fractured right foot, chest injuries. Critical
John Berry shock,
cut head, broken cheekbone. Critical, but a little
better Duncan Edwards
shock, broken ribs,
compound fracture of the right leg. Critical
Dennis Viollet concussion
and cut head. Condition good Ray Wood
bruises and flesh wounds.
Condition good Ken Morgans
concussion and shock.
Condition good Bobbie Charlton
wounds and shock. Condition good |
Bert Scanlon
shock, fractured skull, head wounds. Satisfactory
Jackie Blanchflower right arm broken,
stomach injuries, shock. A little worse Frank
Taylor compound fracture of the right lower
leg, compound fracture of the left upper arm, bruises,
broken rib on right side. Critical Kenneth
Rayment broken legs, suspected internal
injuries, lacerated left leg, concussion. Critical
Eleanor Miklos cuts on legs and arms,
chest bruises. A little better
Nebojsha Tomasevic
wounds to legs and face. Condition good |
"IN MANCHESTER, United's chairman, Mr. Harold Hardman, said:
'Even if it means being heavily defeated, we will carry on with
the season's programme. We have a duty to the public and a duty to
football to carry out.' The Lord Mayor of Manchester opened a
memorial fund. First two donations were of £1000. IN THE
COMMONS the Transport Minister, Mr. Harold Watkinson, said:
'Responsibility for investigating this accident rests with the
German Federal Government. I have appointed a senior inspector who
has already left for Munich to take part in the investigation.'
IN LONDON a B.E.A. spokesman said they will pay compensation to
members of the families of all persons killed and injured subject
to proof of loss. An international convention limited the amount
which could be claimed for any one passenger to a maximum of
£3,000. B.E.A. will fly survivors home as soon as they were
fit to travel. MILAN, one of Italy's leading first division
football clubs, will travel by train to Dortmund, Germany, next
week for a European Cup match—instead of by air as originally
"B.E.A. chief William Baillie, the 42-year-old
flight manager told me: 'It could have been due to stress and
strain. If necessary we will search for and test every nut, bolt,
strut and spar in the wreckage. If an early solution is not
evident, we may consider withdrawing our fleet of 12 Elizabethan
aircraft until the riddle is solved.' I questioned Mr. Baillie
about the surging of the aircraft in its thee take-off attempts.
He told me: 'Munich airport is 1700 ft. above sea level. In
aircraft, this bucking often appears at that altitude. It is
noticeable in Dakotas, for instance. All that is required is for
the pilot to ease off the throttle slowly on take-off. I am
certain that the pilot was satisfied with the performance of his
engines before the third attempted take-off. Otherwise he would
never have attempted it.'
"A BITTER Personal attack on the Football League for deciding to
allow today's League programme to carry on, 48 hours after the
Manchester United tragedy, was made by Raich Carter, of Leeds,
and Bert Tann, of Bristol Rovers. They were not alone. Other
Soccer managers and officials came out strongly in favour of
postponing todays matches; many players said they did not feel
like playing. 'No games should have been played until they were
all laid to rest'"
"AFTER a tragic night of
waiting Mrs. Jean Busby leaned into her husband's oxygen tent and
grasped his hand. His eyes opened slowly. He managed a smile. Then
he whispered 'Hello, my dear. Don't worry. I'm going to be all
right...' 'He recognised me. He recognised me. I'm sure it will
help him now he knows I'm near.' "Matt spoke also to his
assistant manager, Jimmy Murphy, He whispered four words which put
new spirit into the remnants of the tragic Busby Babes. "Keep 'em
going, Lad." "Within moments the news was around the wards where
lay eight of the star players he built into Britain's finest
"THE faces of the womenfolk of the injured footballers told
a touching as they left hospital. Some like Mrs. Matt Busby and
Duncan Edwards' sweetheart, Molly Leech, were smiling for the
first time since they arrived. Others, like Mrs. Hilda Berry, left
with tragic worried eyes. Matt Busby has not been told yet that
seven of his players and four officials died in the crash. John
Berry has not recovered consciousness since the crash. Nor has
Captain Rayment. Both were operated on today."
"Matt was delighted to see us and I really believe our presence is
giving him new strength in his fight for life. He still can't talk
much, but his first question were about the others in hospital
with him. The news that most were doing well cheered and helped
- Mrs. Jean Busby "Duncan is coming along fine, I'm sure he
will pull through. Just you watch. Any time at all now he'll be
down on the second floor—and that will be the day".
- Molly Leech
THE condition of the crash
survivors announced last night was: Matt Busby, Duncan
Edwards and Frank Taylor, improved but still seriously
ill; John Berry and Captain Kenneth Rayment, still
dangerously ill; Bert Scanlon, Dennis Viollet, Jackie
Blanchflower, Ray Wood, Bobbie Charlton and Ken Morgans,
out of danger; Mrs. Lena Miklos and Nebojsha Tomasevic,
improved but still ill. |
THE bodies of the nine
players and officials are to line in the gymnasium at Old
Trafford until funeral arrangements have been made. The
bodies of some of the crash victims will arrive at London
airport today. "There will be no mass funeral and I
don't think members of the public will be allowed into the
gym to pay their respects." |
"An official German report on
the air disaster issued today said it was probably caused by ice
forming on the wings. A B.E.A. spokesman said the inquiry was not
yet complete. But did agree that icing during take-off was one of
the possible causes of the accident."
"MEANTIME assistant manager Jimmy Murphy was returning home with
survivors Billy Foulkes and Harry Gregg to help him in the long
climb back to the top. They leave Munich by train."
MUNICH paid its last tributes
to the victims of the Manchester
United air crash.
Blue-coated German police formed a guard of honour on the
tarmac of the Riem Airport here in front of an airliner
with curtailed windows. Inside the plane lay the coffins of
the twenty-one footballers, sportswriters and others who
died in the crash. For half an hour before the plane took off for London o n its way to Manchester a procession of
government, civic officials and friends walked one after
the other to the foot of the black shrouded gangway to
hand in wreaths. As the plane taxied away the 160 men in
the guard of honour raised their white-gloved hands to
their salute. The civilians present stood to attention.
Then they watched the aircraft roar away . . .
passing low over the forlorn wreckage of the crashed
airliner on the outskirts of the airport. AT LONDON
airport it was raining when the Viscount airliner arrived.
Four of the coffins were taken off—travel agent Bela
Miklos's body going to his home at Woking, Surrey; steward
William Cable's to Wales, and international winger David
Pegg's to Doncaster. The fourth coffin, of inside forward
Billy Whelan, was transferred to a plane for Dublin, where
he will be buried. AT MANCHESTER solemn
crowds waited in the streets. |
have recently followed with academic interest the
correspondence which has been appearing in your columns on
the behaviour of the Press in action. It fell to my
lot to go immediately to the scene of the recent Munich
disaster and, on the morning following, to the hospital
where the survivors lay. The German doctors and nurses
were working with devotion in their beautiful, modern
hospital to care for our critically injured countrymen—how
great a contrast with a horde of British cameramen
who were gathered in the corridors waiting for a chance to
photograph the victims in the ward.
When I ventured to protest to the doctor at this intrusion
of some 20 cameramen |
into his hospital he politely
indicated that they were my countrymen, Indeed, in an
attempt to get them to leave as expeditiously as possible
he finally allowed them one photograph each of Mr. Busby,
who was, it seems, their main target. I hope that I may
be spared from seeing again the flash of camera bulbs from
six or more photographers at a time as they walked into
the ward in which three men were fighting for their lives,
in order to photograph an unconscious man lying in a
critical condition in an oxygen tent. I do not feel that
it was an edifying spectacle to the German medical staff,
who were thus impeded in their duties.
I apologise for reopening in
your columns correspondence on a distasteful subject, |
but I believe, Sir, that the
time has come for the Press Council to take action to stop
this scandal of our times. The vast majority of
correspondents with whom we, as an air line, are
continually working in our daily lives are decent,
helpful men doing their job in a decent and responsible
way. It is they who are let down continually by the
unethical behaviour of a few of their colleagues.
Yours failthfully.
Chief Executive, British European Airways. Keyline
House, Ruislip, Middlesex, Feb 10. |
Tuesday, 11 February 1958 |
Team manager Matt Busby and
sportswriter Frank Taylor were stated to be 'much
improved.' The condition of John Berry and Kenneth Rayment,
both critically ill, was unchanged. Duncan Edwards, who is
also on the danger list, was stated to have shown 'a
glimmer of improvement.' The rest of the injured were
A bulletin issued early today gave news
of the 13 survivors still in hospital: Berry, Edwards and Rayment—still on the critical list, unconscious and in
acute danger. Mrs. Miklos—out of acute danger, but still
serious. Busby, Blanchflower and Taylor—considerably improved
but in a serious condition.
Charlton and Tomasevich—maybe
discharged tomorrow. Morgans, Wood and Viollet—in good
condition and maybe discharged later this week. |
"THE funeral took place in Manchester of Henry Rose, famous
columnist and Northern Sports Editor of the Daily Express.
Representatives of newspapers throughout Britain and leading
personalities in all sports were among the mourners. Crowds stood
in silence along the route as thousands lined the street as the
funeral processions of two victims passed by, a half-mile procession of cars and
taxis drove the City of Manchester to the Southern Cemetery, Fallowfield."
"United supporter William Satinoff, businessman and racehorse
owner, was also buried today."
"DOCTORS said tonight that Duncan Edwards is
'in very, very bad condition.' Two more of the injured are still
on the danger list—Kenneth Rayment, who has been moved into
an oxygen tent, and John Berry. Matt Busby has not yet been told
that some of his team are dead." "John Berry regained
consciousness for the first time. And he spoke a few words."
Press behaviour at the Munich hospital is the subject of a
motion tabled by a number of Conservative back-benchers,
deploring the conduct of 'certain newspapers.'
To-night there were 10 supporters of the motion, which has
been tabled by Lieutenant-Commander Lynch Maydon Wells. It
reads: 'That this House deplores the conduct of a section
of the British press in violating the privacy of the
victims of the Munich air disaster, thereby hindering the
hospital staff, and in exploiting sensation by publishing
photographs of the injured and their relatives.'
Commander Maydon, with Mr. Leavey (Heywood and Royton),
Mr. Whitelaw (Penrith and The Border), and Mr. Teeling
(Brighton, Pavilion), bases his protests on the
photographs which some newspapers printed of Mr. Busby in
an oxygen tent and of other patients in hospital beds, and
also on an account broadcast by the B.B.C. in a news
bulletin on Saturday night. The broadcast, according to
one of the signatories of the |
motion, stated the activities of the British
activities of the British photographers hindered the
hospital staff in their work of mercy. Commander Maydon told your Correspondent: 'I was
horrified when I saw the photographs in some newspapers,
and particularly by the picture of the unfortunate Mr.
Busby unconscious inside an oxygen tent. Then there were
pictures of men not so desperately injured with their
wives by the bedside with anxiety and horror written all
over their faces. I thought this was purely exploiting
other people's misery. It is disgusting that it should
have taken place.' All the supporters of
the motion, which was tabled on Monday, make it clear that
they had no foreknowledge of the letter published in The
Times above the name of Mr. Anthony Milward. Maydon said,
however: 'I have been encouraged in tabling this motion by
this letter, which confirmed the impressions I had formed.
'When I heard the B.B.C. account on Saturday night, which
included a statement that the authorities were |
'embarrassed' or 'hindered’—I cannot be sure which—in
carrying out their duties, I felt compelled to bring the
matter before the House of Commons.' 'At
any rate, it was clear from the B.B.C. report that
the doctors were not well pleased by having this horde of people on the premises
trying to take photographs. It is a bad example to another
nation. We ought to be all the more careful when British
nationals are involved in the hindrance of German hospital
staff or the staff of any other foreign hospital for that
Mr. Teeling said he was
appalled by the photographs taken of Mr. Busby being given
an injection while he lay unconscious in an oxygen tent.
The sponsors of the motion hope that it will draw
attention in the Commons to the conduct of some members of
newspaper staffs and thereby crystallise outside opinion
and bring nearer the day when some restraints will be
imposed, either by the Press or outside authority. |
The Sheffield branch of the
National Union of Journalists passed the following
resolution to-night: 'In view of the impending funerals of
the victims of the Manchester United disaster, the
Sheffield branch of the N.U.J. asks all journalists to
refrain from covering these funerals beyond the mere
reporting of the fact that they have taken place, as it is
felt that anything more would constitute a serious
intrusion into the private griefs of the bereaved
families. This branch has instructed all its
members—reporters, sub-editors, and photographers—to refrain
from handling copy referring to these funerals except in
the form already stated. A direct request along these
lines is being made to editors of both papers published in
this city. |
Wedneday, 12 February 1958 |
"Thousands of mourners attended the funeral services for four
other victims today. Roger Byrne was cremated in Manchester after
a service at Flixton. A service for Frank Swift was held at St.
Margaret's Church, Whalley Range. He was cremated in Manchester.
Eric Thompson was buried at Southern Cemetery, Manchester, after a
service attended by his family, friends and fellow newspaper-men.
Several United players and officials were among those who attended
the funeral of David Pegg at St. George's Church in Highfields,
followed by the internment at Adwick New Cemetery, near Doncaster."
"THE funeral service of Archie Ledbrook was held at the Church of
St. Michael and All Angels, Bramhall, Cheshire, just down the road
from his home, where his widow and two daughters mourn him.
Following a simple service, the packed congregation, silent and
sad, drove to Stockport Crematorium for the final farewell."
"Four of United's
young Irishmen will be in Dublin today for the funeral of Bill
Whelan." "THREE people who escaped in the Munich air disaster
were at the funeral of one of the victims—Chief Steward Thomas
William Cable. Curtains were drawn along the route to St. Mary's
Church, Brynmawr. Women in the streets sobbed and men stood with
bared heads. Among the mourners were Capt. James Thain. With him
were Margaret Bellis and Rosemary Cheverton. In front of the
wreath-covered hearse walked 30 more stewards. They were among the
60 B.E.A. employees who chartered a plane to attend the funeral."
parents of Duncan Edwards made a dramatic dash tonight to Munich
where doctors were fighting for the life of their son. Mr. and
Mrs. Edwards raced by car from their home in Dudley to London
Airport. They arrived late—but their Lufthansa plane was
still waiting. They were taken straight out to it and the plane
took off twenty minutes behind schedule. They began their dash
when it was announced that Duncan Edwards was 'in acute danger'.
Doctors called for an 'artificial kidney' machine, which clears
the blood stream. But the machine was being overhauled in
factory 200 miles away at Freiburg. A police car in Freiburg went
to the factory. The machine—it looks like a big washing machine—was
ready and it was loaded on to a trailer attached to the car. Then,
at speeds of seventy miles an hour, the car raced to Munich along
a fast autobahn. And last night at the hospital, Dr. J. Graham
Taylor, a British European Airways medical officer, said: "The
machine has done its job. EDWARDS IS SLIGHTLY BETTER."
"Duncan Edwards showed 'dramatic improvement' in hospital to-day.
Dr. Graham Taylor, said: 'Edwards is conscious and talking. He
asked for a drink and for an apple. He was given a glass of
lemonade.' The improvement began after he had an artificial kidney
linked to his blood stream. Dr. Taylor said it would be two or
three days before it could be known whether the present
improvement would be maintained. The patient is still very
seriously ill. Dr. Taylor said Edwards knew what had happened to
him but does not know of the deaths in the crash. He added that
while he was conscious he spoke to his fiancée."
"Mrs. Eleanor Miklos, who was injured in the crash, and is
paralysed from the waist down, was flown to London to-night and
was taken to Stoke Mandeville Hospital."
The official bulletin issued: Matt
Busby, Frank Taylor and Jackie Blanchflower:
Good general condition. Not
in acute danger.
Kenneth Rayment: In acute danger.
John Berry: In danger, but showing steady
improvement. Bobby Charlton was released
from hospital. |
"THE Welsh F.A. have asked Johnny Stephens (Hull City) to stand by
as reserve to Manchester United's outside right Ken Morgans,
injured in the Munich disaster, for the under-23 trial at Newport
on Wednesday."
Thursday, 13 February 1958
"Thousands of people lined the route at Barnsley for the funeral
procession of Tommy Taylor. The funeral took place at the Parish
Church in the village of Monk Bretton, near Barnsley. Mr. Joe
Richards, Mr. Walter Winterbottom, and representatives of
Manchester United were among the mourners. And players of Barnsley
formed a guard of honour outside the church. The Mayor and
Mayoress of Barnsley and seven members of the Raley School
football team were also present. The school had collected so much
money for a wreath that, with the balance, they will set up a
Tommy Taylor Memorial Trophy for the most promising footballer in
the school each year." "Geoffrey Bent, twenty-five year old
reserve full-back, was buried at St. John's Church, Pendlebury."
"The funeral of coach Bert Whalley took place at Dunkinfield
Crematorium. And the service for trainer Tom Curry was at Gorse
Hill Methodist Church, Stretford." "Crowds lined the Manchester
streets when the funeral of Manchester Guardian sports writer Don
Davies took place at St. Ann's Church. Colleagues stood outside Kemsley House as the funeral procession of
Evening Chronicle
writer Alf Clarke passed by." "THE funeral of George
Fellows, sports columnist of the Daily Herald, takes place at Busbhury Crematorium, Wolverhampton at
2 p.m.."
of each of the seven United footballers killed in the crash will
receive £600 through the Players' Union" "32-year-old
England inside-right Ernie Taylor is the first reinforcement in
Manchester United's battle to come back, from Blackpool, for
£8,000. Goalkeeper Harry Gregg and right-back Bill Foulkes are
back in training."
"Three Manchester United youth team
players were altar boys to-day at St. Ann's Roman Catholic Church, Stretford, Manchester, where a funeral service was held for
Walter Crickmer, before burial at Stretford Cemetery." "The funeral of
Mark Jones, centre half-back, took place at Wombwell, West
Yorkshire to-day." "TOM JACKSON, the Manchester Evening
News sports writer who followed Manchester United for a
quarter of a century made his last journey from the newspaper's
Cross-street building this afternoon. Police provided a
motor-cycle escort for the funeral procession as it wound slowly to
Manchester Crematorium The cortege, two hearses, one containing
flowers, and five cars containing relatives and close friends,
left Tom Jackson's home in Kingsway Extension, East Didsbury, at
2.25 p.m. and went via Kingsway, Stockport Road, London Road,
Piccadilly and Market-street into Cross-street. After stopping at
the Manchester Evening News office, the cortege, now
joined by scores of cars containing colleagues and other mourners,
left for Manchester Crematorium via Cross-street, Albert Square,
Central Station, City Road, Russell-street, Chorlton Road, Brook's
bar, Upper Chorlton Road, Manchester Road, Barlow Moor Road." "Eddie Colman was buried at Weaste
cemetery after a ceremony at St. Clement's Church." "TWENTY-TWO
girls and five men took half an hour off work to see the funeral
procession of [Eddie Colman]. WHEN THEY WENT BACK TO WORK THEY
WERE SACKED. It happened at the Salford firm of Boxmakers Ltd.,
which employs 190 people. Mr. Vincent Harney, production manager,
said: "Some of the girls had asked their foreman [Mr. George
Traynor], who has been a United supporter for fifty-three years,
if they could go see the procession. The foreman told them: 'You
can't go. We have done enough mourning.' I agreed with him."
They were given their jobs
back the following week.
Saturday, 15 February 1958 |
"DUNCAN Edwards had several blood
transfusions after the hospital sent out calls for blood donors.
He is still dangerously ill."
"SPORTSMEN from all over the Midlands attended a special church
service in Birmingham to pay tribute to those who died in the
Munich air disaster. The service, at St. John's, Sparkhill at
3 p.m. Mr. E.A. Eden, C.B.E. paid a sportsman's tribute. Gil
Merrick and Billy Wright read the lessons. The Lord Mayor of
Birmingham and representatives of Midland Football League
attended. The address was given by the Rev. R.S.O. Stevens and the
service conducted by the Rev. J.W. Jackson." "ANOTHER slight
improvement in the condition of John Berry was reported from
Munich tonight. 'But he is still on the danger list,' Dr. Graham
Taylor told Reuter. There was no change in the condition of Duncan
Edwards or of Captain Kenneth Rayment. Of Matt Busby, the doctor
said 'He is gaining strength day by day and is anxious to have his
new spectacles because he wants to read.' All the other injured
players were 'doing well'. The Football League management
committee decided to send a message of appreciation and thanks to
the hospital."
GENTLE reveille of hunting horns ushered the crowd from Manchester
Cathedral after they had attended the memorial service to eight
journalists who lost their lives. 'It was a personal tribute of
the organist, Mr. Allan Wicks. I composed it on the spur of the
moment,' he said. Newspapermen, civic leaders, sportsmen, airway
officials and others heard the Dean the Manchester, the Very Rev.
H.A. Jones, say: 'Journalism has become a very dangerous
profession, particularly for the special correspondent and special
writer.'. IN LONDON a memorial service was held in St.
Martin-in-the-Fields for all who died. More than 1,000 filled the
pews and overflowed into the gallery."
Edwards may not need artificial kidney treatment today. A doctor
said in Munich: 'It's a good sign.'"
"Edwards was
'satisfactory' after an artificial kidney had been used for five
Tuesday, 18 February 1958 |
"DUNCAN Edwards, still dangerously ill, was given a blood
transfusion after treatment with an artificial kidney."
Wednesday, 19 February 1958 |
FA Cup Fifth Round
Manchester United 3 Sheffield Wednesday 0
Trafford, Manchester
(59,848) Brennan
(2), Dawson |
"Bill Foulkes, skipper of the new Babes of Manchester, wept
unashamedly as he led his men into the dressing room after they
beat Sheffield Wednesday 3-0. And the win puts the Babes into the
Sixth Round of the F.A. Cup—and back on the road to greatness.
Four slightly injured United players in the Isar Hospital, Ray
Wood, Kenny Morgans, Albert Scanlon and Dennis Viollet, heard a
special commentary on the match over the telephone. But manager
Matt Busby, John Berry and Duncan Edwards did not know the match
was being played. Edwards and Berry are too ill. And Matt was not
told about the game because the tragedy of the crash is still being
a kept a secret from him."
"Manchester United did not name
their team. There were 11 blank names in the programme when the
players, wearing black armbands, lined up under the floodlights at
Old Trafford. Two of the survivors played—Harry Gregg, the
goalkeeper and Billy Foulkes, right-back and captain, successor to
Roger Byrne, who was killed.."
"Duncan Edwards, who has shown 'signs
of distress', rallied tonight."
Thursday, 20 February 1958 |
"MATT BUSBY got a new pair of
spectacles, but was not allowed to read newspapers. Meanwhile, in
another part of the hospital, Dennis Viollets, Ken Morgans, Bert
Scanlon and Ray Wood tried on new suits brought in by a German
tailor. British European Airways are buying a new outfit for each survivor. The condition of the
three men on the danger list—John Berry, Duncan Edwards and Captain
Peter Rayment, was unchanged"
2.15am Friday, 21 February 1958 |
.jpg) "TEAM-MATES of Manchester United's
plucky young footballer, Duncan Edwards, wept in Rechts der Isar
hospital here to-day when the were told that soccer's 'wonder boy'
had lost the 15-day fight for life. The lion-hearted Edwards died
peacefully in his sleep, with no pain, at 2.15 a.m. to-day after a
desperate last-minute battle to save him. About midnight doctors
noticed that his circulation was failing. Injections caused a
temporary improvement but his strength ebbed away. Nurses at his
bedside—well used to suffering and sudden death—broke down and wept
as the flame for life for which they fought so hard flickered out.
First to be told were Edward's parents and his fiancée, Miss Molly
Leech. And then Edward's colleagues had to be told. Ray Wood, Ken Morgans, Dennis Viollet and Albert Scanlon were told. They wept as
Professor Goerg Maurer—chief surgeon who was with Edwards when he
died—gently broke the news. 'We cannot believe it.' they
said. Edwards body will be flown home in a few days by special
plane. "Edwards had little pain since the crash—only discomfort.
He amazed the doctors with his fight to live. It was only his
immense physical strength and super human will to live that
enabled him to cling to life. But let Manchester know this: No
hospital anywhere in the world could have put up a more tremendous
untiring struggle for Edward's life. Munich doctors have used
every modern medical facility available in what they knew—but would
never admit—was a losing battle. B.E.A. have also been
magnificent. They spared no expense and no effort to see that
Edwards lacked nothing. If there is any consolation to be gained
from this black day for Manchester it is this: HAD EDWARDS LIVED
BABES'. "The reason for Edward's death is in simple
terms, that his badly bruised kidneys just would not work. Five
time his polluted bloodstream was cleansed by the artificial
kidney. Many German donors gave person-to-person blood
Two other players, Ken Morgans and Dennis
Viollet, are to leave hospital. They will fly to England as a
train journey will be too strenuous. Kenneth Rayment is still in a
dangerous condition. John Berry is listed as critical."
Saturday, 22 February 1958 |
Football League
Division One Manchester United 1 Nottingham Forest 1
Trafford, Manchester
(66,123 postwar ground record)
Dawson ~ Imlach |
United remain fifth in the league table |
"The Dean of Manchester, the Very Rev. H.A. Jones, said that
Association football was for millions what ballet was for others.
It was a great art and some of the greatest artists had been lost.
At the memorial service at Manchester United ground, 66,000 people
had stood silent. It could be said that such things were 'just
examples of mass hysteria or juvenile hero worship, but between
Manchester United and sport and sports writers and their readers
there was a family feeling unlike anything I have known."
"THE body of Duncan Edwards was flown home today. Among the
floral tributes at Munich airport was one from Mrs. Matt Busby,
whose husband is still in hospital."
Ken Morgans and Dennis
Viollet are released from hospital
"Ken Morgans and Dennis Viollet watched a football match at
Munich in heavy snow. The crowd of 45,000 stood and cheered when
it was announced that the two players were among the spectators.
At first doctors refused to allow them to attend the game—between
two South German First Division sides—but later relented on
condition that they are well protected against the cold. In the
30th minute the referee stopped the match and everybody stood,
bareheaded, for a minute's silence in remembrance of those killed
in the crash."
"Almost 8,000 people attended memorial
services in Manchester today. More than 6,000 attended a Roman
Catholic Solemn High Mass at King's Hall, Belle Vue, tonight. Ten
double-deck buses took people from one Manchester parish. A
service in Manchester Cathedral was attended by 1,700 people.
Admission was by ticket only, and the congregation included the
Jugoslav Ambassador in London, Mr. Ivan Vejvoda, and officials of
the Red Star Club and the Jugoslav Football Association."
The official bulletin issued:
Kenneth Rayment and
John Berry:
unchanged, remain dangerously ill.
doing well, has a cold and a
cough: Jackie Blanchflower: making
satisfactory progress; Frank Taylor:
very cheerful. |
Tuesday, 25 February 1958 |
"Doctors here to-day reported a deterioration in the condition
of Captain Kenneth Rayment. A medical bulletin issued to-day said:
'His condition has deteriorated through the night and is giving
cause for concern.' Medical sources at the hospital said that Mrs.
Rayment had been informed of her husband's serious condition, and
had visited him this morning, but on medical advice she did not
remain at his bedside. A British European Airways officer said his
circulation was showing signs of failing, and restorative measures
were being applied. The medical bulletin said the condition of
John Berry was 'unchanged'. He remains on the danger list. Matt
Busby had now got over his cold and like the other survivors in
hospital, 'continues to make good progress.'"
"Matt Busby 'may have a fair notion' of what happened to his team,
a B.E.A. medical officer said. This was gathered from
conversations between Mr. Busby and Ken Morgans and Dennis Viollet,
after they had asked his permission to fly back to England. 'He
told them not to fly: he was not very keen on the idea.' They
could not 'positively' tell if he knew.
"A management committee
was appointed to advice the trustees on how to apply the money in
the Lord Mayor's Manchester United Disaster Fund, which now
stands at £14,200. It was decided that the fund would be used
primarily to help those in the plane who suffered physical or
financial loss, or their dependents."
Wednesday, 26 February 1958 |
"TRAFFIC stopped in Dudley, Worcs, this afternoon for the
funeral procession of Duncan Edwards. Drivers stood by their
vehicles with heads bowed as the cortege was driven along the two
miles route from St. Francis's Church to the cemetery. Five
thousand mourners had gathered outside the church, and the crowd
were so great they had to divert traffic. The cortege passed the
Wolverhampton-street School, pupils lined both sides of the road
to pay the final tribute. Those who bore the coffin into the
church included five of Edwards' England team-mates. They were his
captain, Billy Wright; Don Howe and Ray Barlow; Ronnie Clayton and
Peter McParland. Other bearers were Pat Saward, and Gordon Clayton
and Bob English. More than 300 people packed the church. The Rev.
A.D. Catterall, vicar, conducted the service at St. Francis's.
More than 300 wreaths were laid out in the garden of Edwards'
"Matt Busby has been told about the deaths of eight
of his players. A hospital spokesman said he was given the details
today. A German Roman Catholic priest broke the news to him. 'The
priest was on a routine visit, Busby asked about Duncan Edwards.
The priest could not tell an untruth, and said that Edwards was
dead. Then Mrs. Busby paid her regular evening visit, and she was
asked in detail about everybody. Busby ran through the list of
players and officials who were on the aircraft. Mrs. Busby told
her husband everything He was naturally upset and very depressed.
He did not sleep very well last night, but two shots of morphia
gave him some rest."
"There was no significant change in the
condition of Capt. Rayment. Blood transfusions, injections and
hyperthermia (packing the body in ice) are all being used in the
fight for his life. John Berry was responding more and
more to stimuli, he has maintained a 'very slow rate of
improvement,'. The indications were hopeful, but he remained on
the danger list."
"ALL the Manchester United survivors in Munich will know
minute by minute how the new United fares in the great
sixth round Cup battle against West Brom at Birmingham
to-morrow, They will know every thrill of the game
as it happens because the Manchester Evening News
has made special arrangements with the hospital and organised a commentary service of this game that means
so much to the men in Munich, most of all Matt Busby.
There in the Munich hospital to hear it will be Albert
Scanlon, Jackie Blanchflower, Ray Wood and journalist
Frank Taylor. And Ken Morgans and Dennis Viollet will go
along to hear the 'news' match commentary with their
team-mates." |
"Doctors kept an anxious eye on the progress of
Matt Busby to-day in case delayed shock set in now he has been
told the full story. But the report was encouraging. 'There is no
sign of delayed shock,' said a doctor. Busby underwent another
small operation this morning to remove fluid from his right lung.
Feelings are mixed about Busby being told of the 22 deaths. Most
doctors wanted to keep the news from him as long as possible so
that he would be back to full strength when told. Many however,
are relieved that the important bridge has been crossed. "Busby
was given sedatives to help him to sleep last night and he seems
to be getting over the acute depression that had set in. 'Although
Busby definitely did not know about the deaths—as some
suspected—there can be no doubt that at the back of his mind he had
more than a suspicion. He had been noting the boys who had been to
visit him, such as Gregg, Foulkes, Morgans and Viollet, and
doubtless he had put two and two together. "Reports on the
other two seriously injured men were: Captain Kenneth Rayment
showed a very slight improvement. Frank Taylor given a small skin
graft to his leg. John Berry had a restless night but has
maintained the slight improvement shown yesterday. He is still
dangerously ill."
FA Cup Quarter-Final
West Bromwich Albion 2 Manchester
United 2
Hawthorns, West Bromwich
Allen, Horobin ~ Dawson,
E.Taylor |
"John Berry is expected to be taken off the danger list shortly, a
medical bulletin stated to-day. 'Berry had a good night and shows
further signs of regaining consciousness,' the bulletin said. A
hospital spokesman added that improvement had been slow but
nevertheless encouraging. No change was reported in the condition
of Kenneth Rayment, He remains dangerously ill and is still
unconscious. All other survivors in hospital are continuing to
make good progress. They are Jackie Blanchflower, Albert Scanlon
and Ray Wood."
"MUNICH'S district attorney is preparing
charges against the pilot and co-pilot of the Elizabethan airliner
which crashed killing 22 on February 6. The trial will most
probably held at Munich and if the attorney thinks the pilots
acted carelessly the charges will be manslaughter."
BRUSSELS "Manchester United will meet either Milano
Italy or Dortmund Borussia in the semi-finals of the
European Cup. No ballot was made. The pairings were
agreed unanimously by the European soccer cup organising
committee in order to give Manchester United the most
suitable match from the travelling point of view. All
five clubs affected agreed." |
"MUNICH doctors were planning
to-day to give another blood transfusion to Captain Rayment. A
bulletin says: 'He has improved somewhat but is still deeply
unconscious. His condition remains extremely serious.' John Berry
is still on the danger list. Matt Busby, Frank Taylor, Jackie
Blanchflower, Albert Scanlon and Ray Wood were all making
satisfactory progress. Scanlon and Wood will be discharged on
Friday. Ken Morgans and Dennis Viollet will return home on
Wednesday—by train."
FA Cup Quarter-Final
Manchester United 1 West Bromwich Albion 0
Trafford, Manchester
(in the final minute) |
"DENNIS Viollet and Ken Morgans arrived at Liverpool Street
Station, London, today, on the night boat train. They were met by
relatives and taken to taxis. As soon as the train pulled in a
police inspector entered their compartment, while others cleared a
corridor to their waiting cars. As Ken Morgans stepped from the
train, his mother, Mrs, Winifred Morgans, who had travelled from
Swansea during the night, slipped under a policeman's arm to
embrace her son. He was also greeted by his fiancée, Miss
Stephanie Lloyd. Morgans later arrived in Manchester with Miss
Lloyd. When they stepped off the train at London Road station, no-one
recognised them and there was no reception party. They were taken
to a car and drove off. Dennis Viollet was traveling by road to
Manchester. "John Berry has been given fluid intravenously to
improve the functioning of his kidneys. 'His general condition,
however, is unchanged and he remains on the danger list.' A
hospital spokesman explained that Berry cannot keep down food and
liquids taken by mouth. A sufficient intake of fluid is necessary
for the satisfactory functioning of the kidneys to filter out
certain poisonous substances from the blood. Rayment remains in an
extremely critical condition."
"Members of the medical staff
of the Rechts der Isar Hospital were at London Airport tonight,
following their arrival from Germany. They are to be guests of
honour at Manchester United's match at Old Trafford to-morrow
against West Bromwich Albion. The party includes Professor Franz
Karl Kessel, a brain surgeon, who disclosed later when they
arrived in Manchester that John Berry was out of danger. In
Munich, Capt. Kenneth Rayment had his left leg amputated above the
knee tonight. A hospital spokesman said there was a sudden
deterioration in his condition and gangrene was found below the
knee. It was decided that the only possible way to save his life
was to amputate. His general condition had not deteriorated, 'but
it must be considered as most critical.'"
Football League Division One
United 0 West Bromwich Albion 4
Trafford, Manchester
Allen (2
(1 pen)), Greaves OG,
Kevan |
United drop to sixth in the league table |
"A hospital bulletin said:
'This morning there is evidence of recovery
[of Capt. Kenneth Rayment]
from the initial shock of the
operation carried out last night. Further blood transfusions are
planned for to-day. The general condition, however, remains
critical.' A hospital spokesman said he had been on the brink of
death for a month. The tenacity with which he was struggling for
life was remarkable. The bulletin also said that John Berry was
slightly improved but remained on the danger list. All other
survivors in the hospital were making good progress. Albert
Scanlon is to be discharged next Tuesday, while Jackie
Blanchflower, who yesterday took the day off from hospital to
celebrate his 25th birthday, will be released in about two weeks."
"There was a slight deterioration today in the condition of
Captain Kenneth Rayment. John Berry, maintaining the improvement
shown in the last two days, was fully conscious and 'talking a
fair amount,' a hospital spokesman said. All the others in the
hospital were making satisfactory progress."
Kenneth Rayment is 37 years old today.
"MANCHESTER UNITED'S goalkeeper, Ray Wood, said in London to-day
that he is suffering from double vision after the disaster. He was
on the way to Manchester from Germany with his pretty wife, Betty.
'It may take up to three months to clear up,' he said. 'I shall be
out of soccer till next season.' Before the crash Wood had lost
his team place after the signing of Harry Gregg. He asked for a
transfer. 'I have given up all idea of moving to another club
since the disaster, I am going to stick with the lads and do all I
can to help them.' "John Berry was to-day finally declared out
of danger. Doctors said Berry gave clear answers to doctors'
questions to-day for the first time." "Mr. John Springbett,
B.E.A.'s chief insurance officer, will open preliminary talks
to-day on compensation for relatives of the killed or injured.
Even the slightly injured will get compensation. Claims will
probably amount to nearly £100,000."
"JACKIE BLANCHFLOWER was discharged from hospital in Munich
to-day. The international centre-half, his right arm in a sling,
said he expected to return to England next week. The hospital said
John Berry and Matt Busby were making good progress; sports writer
Frank Taylor was comfortable; but Capt. Kenneth Rayment was still
in a critical condition." "Lord Mayor's Manchester United
Disaster Fund now at £26,300."
Football League Division One
Burnley 3 Manchester
United 0
Moor, Burnley
McIlroy, Shackleton, Cheesebrough |
United remain sixth in the league table |
"Captain Kenneth Rayment is still in a critical condition.
It added that he is still unconscious. His temperature had risen a
little more since yesterday and hypothermia treatment was being
applied. Matt Busby, who was allowed out of bed for the first time
yesterday and sat in a chair for five minutes, continues to
improve. John Berry, who yesterday was able to take a few steps
across the ward helped by two of the hospital staff, also
continues to make progress. Berry's improvement during the past
week was described by a doctor as remarkable."
Kenneth Gordon Rayment, co-pilot of the Manchester United plane
which crashed in Munich, died in hospital. He had been
unconscious since the crash just over a month ago. His wife Mary
was at his bedside frequently during the German doctor's long
fight to save his life. She took the news of her husband's death
very bravely, said friends. Captain Rayment, aged thirty-[seven],
was the twenty-third victim of the crash. He lived in Sayers,
Adversane, Billinghurst, Sussex, and had two children, nine
year-old Stephen and daughter, Judy, six. He died of a circulatory
failure during a blood transfusion."
"Matt Busby left his hospital bed today for 15 minutes.
John Berry was also allowed up for a few minutes. The only other
crash victim still in hospital is sports writer Frank Taylor. He
is said to be making good progress." "MATT BUSBY was allowed
out of his hospital bed for one hour in Munich this morning."
"Matt Busby will possibly have a walking plaster on his
injured left foot in about three weeks time. The foot was x-rayed
today. The condition of John Berry was 'improving a bit each day.
He is eating well.' Frank Taylor had a window cut into the plaster
on his right leg yesterday. He was feeling fine." "The body of
Kenneth Rayment was being flown to London this afternoon."
"The funeral of Captain Kenneth Rayment took place at St.
Mary's Parish Church, Wanstead, London, E11, and the cremation was
at City of London Crematorium, Manor Park."
FA Cup Semi-Final
United 2 Fulham 2
Park, Birmingham
(2) ~ Stevens, Hill |
"Because of the success of the telephone link with the Munich
hospital today—to keep Matt Busby informed of the Manchester
United-Fulham thrills—the Manchester and Salford hospitals
commentaries organisation plan to repeat the service for
Wednesday's Highbury replay. It will again be done in conjunction
with the Manchester Evening News. thousands of patients in
Manchester and Salford hospitals will also be able to follow that
"Matt Busby is getting up each day and sitting in a chair.
John Berry, also improving, spends 'several minutes' out of bed
daily. He is making a 'good recovery,' and has begun speaking 'a
bit more clearly.' Frank Taylor is improving." "Lord Mayor's Manchester United
Disaster Fund now at £30,500."
FA Cup Semi-Final replay
Fulham 3 Manchester
United 5
Stadium, Highbury
Stevens, Chamberlain, Dwight
~ Dawson
(3), Brennan, Charlton |
TELEPHONE-RADIO link arranged by me [Jonathan] from the News
Chronicle office told Matt Busby of Manchester United's great win.
Then came the best news of all, from Professor Frank Kessel, 'Mr.
Busby should be able to see his team play at Wembley. He is
progressing very well. We are all Manchester United fans now.' he
said. Half an hour before the end of United's semi-final replay
with Fulham I telephoned colleague Frank Taylor, also in plaster
at the hospital. I held my telephone to my desk wireless, so that
he could hear the B.B.C. broadcast. Frank relayed snatches of the
news to the eager party of friends and hospital staff grouped
round his bed. Mrs. Taylor took the first news—that United were
leading Fulham 4—2. 'It was really wonderful to see Mr.
Busby's eyes light up when I told him,' she said. The final
victory news left him speechless with pleasure." "I am so
proud, particularly of boys like Harry Gregg, Billy Foulkes and
Bobby Charlton, who were with us in the plane crash. Their
performance was wonderful." Busby said.
Football League Division One
Sheffield Wednesday 1 Manchester United 0
Shiner |
United drop to eighth in the League table |
"MANCHESTER UNITED put their success - studded rousing ride
along the Wembley trail behind them to-day to get to grips with
one of the heaviest end-of-season League programmes any club has
ever tackled. Eleven games have to be played in the next 29 days.
And United knew the first match of this end-of-season jam would be
a tough one. To-day's game at Hillsborough is a different
proposition. United have a difficult time fighting against the
feeling of anti-climax after winning through to Wembley." "Lord Mayor's Manchester United
Disaster Fund now at £32,100."
"The Manchester United fixture headache throbs on. From
Italy last night came the news that Milan, the Italian champions,
have asked the European Cup committee for permission to play the
first leg of their semi-final with United on Milan on April 16.
Their reason: 'We had to play the first leg of both or previous
rounds, against Glasgow Rangers and Dortmund Borussia, away.'
United must cry off from this date... for three solid reasons.
They have a rearranged First Division match with Portsmouth on
that evening. The Wales-Ireland match is on the same day (with
Wales claiming team manager Jimmy Murphy and Ireland calling on
goalkeeper Harry Gregg). Finally, the suggested date is just three
days before the England-Scotland clash at Hampden." "Jackie
Blanchflower won't be going to Sweden, as a guest of Ireland, or to
Wembley, as a guest of United. He said sadly: 'I have been told by
my doctors to avoid all crowds, so I won't be at Wembley. And in
June, I may be going back into hospital for an operation on my
arm. It's still in the balance whether I'll ever play again, and I
won't know for several months. It's just my luck to miss Sweden
and Wembley . . . but I am thankful to be alive.
Football League Division One
Aston Villa 3 Manchester
United 2
Park, Birmingham
Myerscough, Hitchens, Sewell
Webster, Dawson |
United remain eighth with 2/3 games in hand |
"UNITED's acting-manager, Jimmy Murphy, was
feeling good tonight. He had just made the 30-hour sea and land
journey to the Rechts der Isar hospital in Munich to put Matt
Busby back in the football picture. In a bedside chat with Frank
Taylor, still in hospital, Jimmy Murphy said: 'We were
tremendously thrilled to see the progress Matt is making. He's
obviously getting his teeth into football again. I came over to
tell Matt all about how the young boys are playing . . . how we
got to the Cup Final . . . and how we hope to win at Wembley. Now
I'm hoping and praying that Matt can get back home for the Final.
It would be the greatest moment of my life if he could be there
with us.'" "Jimmy Murphy visited his boss to-day. Reporters
said Mr. Murphy 'was not in the mood to be interviewed.'"
"Trainer Jack Crompton was in charge of the team as Manchester
United returned to the scene of their first semi-final battle.
Travelling with United was reserve Ken Morgans." "Lord Mayor's
Manchester United Disaster Fund now at £32,600."
"CRITICISM of the behaviour of British Pressmen at the time
of the Munich air disaster which was made by Mr. Anthony Milward
was not substantiated, the national executive council of the
National Union of Journalists has decided. The council meeting at
Douglas, Isle of Man, reached this conclusion after examining
statements made by members present at the time of Munich. Mr. T.
Bartholomew, of Manchester, said in his presidential address that
the attack on the behaviour of journalists had been smouldering
for some time in various quarters, burst into flames in January,
died down, and broke out again in February. 'If the allegations
had been framed in precise terms against named individuals they
could have been examined and appropriate action taken within the
framework of our rules. Our critics chose, however, to be
unspecific in the incidents about which they complained or in the
identity of the individual or individuals they attacked.'" |
Football League Division One
United 2 Sunderland 2
Trafford, Manchester
Charlton, Dawson ~ Revie,
O'Niell |
United remain eighth with two games in hand |
"MATT BUSBY is being pestered with letters and money
by people wanting tickets to the Cup Final. Dozens of fans are
writing to the Munich hospital where he is still lying and his
wife is kept busy sending back the cheques and postal orders. Mrs.
Busby said: 'Matt can do nothing about tickets—he probably won't
even see one.' She made this plea to the thoughtless in England:
'Please don't worry Matt.'"
Football League Division One
United 0 Preston North End 0
Trafford, Manchester
(48,167) |
United remain eighth with two games in hand |
"Young Clive Macro will treasure his copy of the
Manchester Evening News memorial picture of the Manchester United
team which was in the Munich air crash. Clive sent his picture to
the Rechts der Isar Hpsoital, Munich, and it was returned signed
with the signatures of those who nursed the injured players."
Football League Division One
Sunderland 1
United 2
Park, Sunderland
(2) |
United climb to seventh, still with two games in hand |
"The European Cup committee today fixed the first leg of
Manchester United's semi-final with Milan for Wednesday, May 14,
at Old Trafford and the return match for May 21. Both dates will
have to be approved the F.A."
"A B.E.A. official in Munich who visited the
three survivors of the disaster still in hospital said yesterday
they were all in 'first-class condition. They have no pain and
have all got first-class appetites.'"
"THE Press Council today rejects charges of intrusion made against
British photographers who took pictures of injured Manchester
United players in the hospital. The Council's report says: 'We
accept the evidence that British Press photographers were invited
into the wards to take pictures and were given facilities for that
purpose. We do not believe that any of them forced their way into
the wards. The general charge of intrusion therefore fails. We
believe that Mr. Anthony Milward, who made a complaint against the
Press in a letter to The Times, was not aware of all the facts and
has given a wrong impression. The evidence we have gathered by
most careful inquiries is that six British photographers were
present on that occasion. A number of photographers of other
nationalities were present, including German, French, Italian and
Hungarian. The photographic facilities given must have proved
awkward for the hospital as the number of Press, newsreel and
television visitors of various nationalities increased, but it
seems to us that had the hospital authorities so desired the
facilities could have been stopped at any time—as, indeed, they were
on the third day. It may have been a mistake to grant them, but
they were granted from the kindest motives, especially to show how
well this first-rate hospital was caring for sportsmen dear to the
British public. Whether some of the photographs in the British
press ought not to have been published is a question of taste. A
picture of a badly injured man in an oxygen tent may seem to some
critics to be a violation of privacy. To others it may be striking
evidence of the devoted scientific care given by the hospital
staff to the injured, whose condition was of intense interest to
millions of admirers. The Press Council considers that as a
general principle a photograph of a seriously injured person
likely to cause needless distress and pain to relatives should not
be printed.'" |
"When asked for his comment on the Press Council report
on his complaint against British photographers
at Munich, Mr. Anthony Milward said: 'The Press
Council are entitled to their opinions and I am entitled
to mine.'. Mr. Milward said that he had not had time to
read the full report of the Press Council findings. He
agreed with the Press Council where they stated there
were other Press photographers in Munich besides those
from British newspapers, but, apart from that, he still
stood by what he stated in his letter in The Times." |
Football League Division One
Tottenham Hotspur 1
United 0
Hart Lane, Tottenham
Harmer (pen) |
United drop to ninth place, still with two games in hand |
"Matt Busby will be released from hospital next Thursday, a
British European Airways spokesman announced today. He is to leave
Munich by train the same day, arriving in London on Friday
morning. Mr. Busby is to give a press conference in a Munich hotel
immediately after leaving hospital. The other two survivors still
in hospital, John Berry and Frank Taylor, are improving daily. He
could give no indication as to when they would be discharged from
hospital or allowed to return to England." "It was announced
that the chief surgeon at the hospital, Professor Georg Maurer,
has been appointed a Commander of the Order of the British
"JUDGE Walter Stimpel, a German World War II air ace, will head
the German inquiry into the Manchester United air crash. Judge
Stimpel, aged 41, was a regular Luftwaffe officer from 1936 to
1945. The inquiry commission will meet in Munich on April 29 and
30, probably at the airport where the United plane crashed. Judge
Stimpel will be assisted by a professor and a civil airline pilot.
The hearings will be attended by observers from the British
Ministry of Civil Aviation and British European Airways. To-day
Judge Stimpel said it was not yet known how many witnesses would
be called, but he wanted to keep their numbers as low as possible.
Captain James Thain had written to say he would be in Munich to
appear as a witness. Judge Stimpel said the detailed findings of
the Commission would be sent to the West German Transport
ministry, which would pass them on to the British Ministry of
Civil Aviation. 'Unlike maritime boards, we will not be concerned
with fixing the blame on anyone, but merely with finding the
causes of the crash.' he said."
"Johnny Berry arrived back in Manchester to-day on a B.E.A.
Football League Division One
Portsmouth 3
United 3
Park, Portsmouth
Govan, Dougan, Harris
~ Dawson, E.Taylor, Webster |
United remain ninth place, with one/two games in hand |
"Matt Busby will be seen on B.B.C. television tonight shortly
before he leaves the Munich hospital to travel home. He will be
interviewed with Professor George Maurer on a live Eurovision
transmission." "BACK home in Manchester after nine weeks in a
Munich hospital, Johnny Berry was to-day 'quite comfortable' in
the private patients' wing of Manchester Royal Infirmary. 'At the
moment it is impossible to say he will be released.' a hospital
spokesman said." "Denis Viollet and Albert Scanlon will attend
at concert at City of Salford British Legion H.Q. to receive a
cheque for £43 for the Lord Mayor's Munich Disaster Fund."
"Two Conservative M.P.s withdrew their names from the
motion deploring 'the section of British Press' after
the Munich air disaster. The two M.P.s are Mr. William
Whitelaw (Penrith and the Border) and Mr. David Price (Waestleigh).
Mr. Whitelaw was one of four conservatives who sponsored
the motion, which appeared on the Commons order paper,
carrying the names of thirty-six M.P.s." |
"MATT BUSBY will be at Wembley to lead his Manchester United side
on to the field for the Cup Final—if it is humanly possible—and he
will be back at the helm next season. Busby, smiling, but with one
leg in plaster and looking tired, made that quite clear when he
left hospital for home to-day. 'I hope it will be possible, but at
the moment it is too early to say.' Half an hour earlier Mr. Busby
had left the hospital, with his wife, amid joyful yet touching
scenes. Nurses and doctors lined the corridors to shake hands with
him as he limped on crutches by a car that was to take him to the
Press Conference. Before leaving hospital Mr. Busby shook hands
warmly with Professor Georg Maurer. Earlier he said goodbye to Frank Taylor, who
is the only other survivor still under treatment." "His train
leaves Munich at 10.35GMT and is due in London at 9.11am on
Friday, travelling by way of the Hook of Holland and Harwich."
"Another M.P. has withdrawn his name from the Commons
motion deploring 'the section of the British Press.' He
is Dr. H. M. King (Lab., Itchen, Southampton).
Thirty-three names remain on the Commons motion." |