England Football Online
Players Index Page Last Updated
24 September 2024

Charlie Fry

Southampton FC & Corinthians FC

1 appearance, 0 goals

P 1 W 1 D 0 L 0 F 3: A 0
100% successful


captain: none
minutes played:


  Commander Charles Burgess Fry MA FRGS
Birth Thursday, 25 April 1872 in Croydon, Surrey. Burgess is also the middle name of his paternal grandfather Robert.
  registered in Croydon April-June 1872
Baptism Sunday, 30 June 1872 at St. Andrew's Parish Church in Hove, Sussex.
Education Repton School and Wadham College at Oxford University.

According to the 1881 census, Charles B. is the eldest of four children to John Lewis and Constance Isabella (née White). They live at The Alchornes, Serlies in Orpington with three servants. His father works for the Metropolitan Police.

  According to the 1891 census, Charles is a pupil at Repton School, boarding at The Cross.
His mother died in early 1898.
Marriage to Beatrice Holme Sumner, Saturday, 4 June 1898 at The Parish Chapel, St. Pancras, Euston Road, London
  registered in Pancras March-June 1898
  Fry stated as being a journalist, living at 31 Tavistock Place. Beatrice was ten years older than Charlie.
Beatrice had already been in a relationship with the married Charles Hoare, they had a daughter, Sybil (b.23 June 1884). A year later, the scandal reached the courts and reputations were ruined for all concerned. Following the birth of a son, Robin (b.26 September 1890), Still unmarried, Beatrice and Hoare moved to Hamble-le-Rice, where she would later meet Fry.
Children Charlie and Beatie Fry had three children together. Charis (b.18 February 1899), Stephen Hope (b.23 May 1900) and Mary Faith (b.20 February 1910).

According to the HAC Admission register, on 9 October 1899, Burgess, living at 39 Rosseth Garden Mansions. He discontinued from 19 October 1900. They were still at the address on 3 November, when their daughter, Charis, was baptised, 


According to the 1901 census, Charles B is married to Beatrice H., with two children, Charis and Stephen. With two servants, they live at Glenbourne in West End, South Stoneham in Hampshire. He is stated as being an author.

  According to the 1911 census, Charles Burgess is an Honorary Director in charge of the training ship, Mercury. He is with his wife and another daughter, Faith. They live in Hamble, Hampshire.
"The Training Ship Mercury, moored in the river Hamble, was established in 1885 as an Institution for the training of boys for the Royal Navy and for Army bands. It is conducted on the lines of Government training ships with such modifications as are necessary for the reception of boys of younger age, one of its objects being the relief of small tradesmen and others with large families, as well as to assist parents who are able to pay a small premium per annum; the lads are well clothed and fed and receive individual attention; they are received between the ages of 10 and 15 and must either be orphans or the sons of poor parents; the ship is available for 150 boys and is under Admiralty inspection; the ship's band of 40 performers is open for engagements; Charles Burgess Fry, hon. director in charge." - 1911 Kelly's Directory of Hampshire, p 226."
"Naval Lists ...Became an Honorary Lieutenant on 24 August 1914, Honorary Commander, 21 September 1916."
"It was after the First World War, in which he had taken no part due to running the Hamble naval college, that Fry, who often battled like a king, almost became one - Charles III of Albania. It came about via Prince Ranjitsinjhi who had become one of India's three representatives at the League of Nations and had taken Fry with him as a speech writer. Albania's royal family were of German extraction and had gone off back to Germany, leaving them with no representative in Geneva. They approached Fry. "Do not accept the crown of Albania", advised his old Oxford friend, the poet Hilaire Belloc, "be content with a cellar of wine and the society of those who love you". As the Albanians were looking for a man with an income of £10,000 a year, which Fry did not have and even Ranji would not provide, the kingdom was never his."

According to the 1921 census, Charles Burgess is still an Honorary Director in charge of the training ship, Mercury. He is with his wife and three children in Hamble.
According to a 1921 passenger list, Commander Charles Burgess was living at Hamble in Hampshire. He was heading to Bombay in India on 21 October on the Peninsular & Oriental steamship named Macedonia, under the mastership of A.F.Vine.
(His father died 6 March 1923 in Nice, France)

"The announcement that Mr. C. B. Fry has accepted the invitation of the Brighton Liberal Federation to stand as its candidate has been received with widespread interest"
 - Westminster Gazette, Thursday, 2 November 1922
"We hear on good authority that Commander C. B. Fry, who recently spoke at Banbury in support of the League of Nations, is to be invited to contest the Banbury Division in the Liberal interest at the next General Election."
- The Banbury Advertiser, Thursday, 8 November 1923
"Commander Fry last night accepted the invitation to contest Oxford at the coming by-election as Liberal candidate." - Daily News, Monday, 19 May 1924
He was an unsuccessful Liberal candidate for parliament in 1922 for Brighton (came third with 22,059 of the votes, the winner, Rt Hon George Clement Tryon, took 28,549), in 1923 for Banbury (runner-up (12,271 votes) to Albert James Edmondson (12,490)), and in the 1924 Oxford by-election, after Frank Gray had been unseated by petition (runner-up (8,237 votes) to Robert Croft Bourne (10,079)).

Then, on 3 April 1937, Charles and Beatrice left Auckland on board the SS Mariposa, and arrived in San Pedro, California, on 17 April. They returned to Southampton from New York on 10 May 1937 on board the Cunard White Star Berengaria. He was still the Director in Charge, living on the Mercury.

"In India in the late Twenties with Ranji, he had a major breakdown and became thoroughly paranoid. For the rest of his life, he dressed in bizarrely unconventional clothes and had frighteningly eccentric interludes. He developed a horror of Indians which included Ranji, his true friend who had supported and looked after him through years of illness. He was never entirely well again.
In 1934, Fry met Hitler. He went well briefed but was quite overcome by the size and spirit of a meeting where the Fuhrer was opening an autobahn. He was very impressed with the calibre of young men and women who, he thought, compared very well with young people in Britain. Fry tried to persuade Von Ribbentrop that Nazi Germany should take up cricket to Test level. He said that cricket was essentially a pure Nordic game and they would probably produce a blond WG Grace. The Germans were not convinced. At his hour-long meeting with Hitler, he was very impressed and seems totally to have accepted Hitler's assertion that the Jews were in cahoots with the Bolshevists and had a stranglehold on the country. Some Hitler Youth boys were made welcome at the Mercury training ship and Fry was still expressing enthusiasm for them in 1938."
- C.B. Fry: An English Hero - Iain Wilton

According to the 1939 register, Charles Burgess and Beatrice Holme are still married and are living on the Naval Training Ship Mercury, moored in the River Hamble in Winchester, with their two children and numerous trainees. Charles is the captain Superintendant.
He is also noted in the Register as being a director (of the TS Mercury) at 71 Pall Mall, Westminster, as a guest of the Oxford & Cambridge Club.
"DEATHS ...Mrs. Beatrice Fry, Deputy Director of the Nautical School training ship Mercury, at Hamble, Hants, died yesterday, aged 82 years. She worked for nearly 40 years in the interests of the Mercury." - Daily News, Wednesday, 24 April 1946.
"'Accidental death' was the inquest verdict on Mrs. Beatrice Fry, who died after a fall when going up some stairs on the ship. Her daughter said that she had suffered from rheumatism in the knees." - Birmingham Gazette. Thursday, 25 April 1946.
"Naval Lists ...Became an Honorary captain on 11 December 1946."
Death Friday, 7 September 1956 'died at his home' at 8 Moreland Court, Lyndale Avenue in Barnet, Greater London, of kidney failure.
aged 84 years 135 days registered in Hendon July-September 1956


"C. B. FRY, famous Test cricketer who was an opening batsman for England with W. G. Grace, died yesterday at his Hampstead home, aged 84. Charles Burgess Fry was not only a cricketer—he was one of the greatest all-round sportsmen in the world. At 20, he was the gay young Oxford blood who had already achieved a rare triple Blue — at cricket, football and athletics. By 23, he was a triple university captain; he had broken the world record for the long jump; scored a century against Cambridge; run the hundred yards in evens; been selected for Britain's international Rugby Union team. He went on to captain England at cricket and to play in the F.A. Cup Final for Southampton in 1902. He scored altogether 30,406 runs in first-class cricket, averaging 48 an innings. They said he had the finest brain at Oxford, and until the time of his death he was correcting the translations of the finest scholars of this age. The only thing he failed in was politics. As a Liberal he stood and failed for Parliament three times." - Daily Herald, Saturday, 8 September 1956.
"Mr. Charles Burgess Fry, former England test cricketer, and first-class athlete, who had also played in an Association Cup final, died yesterday at his home at Hampstead. He was 84. Charles Burgess Fry, who was admitted to Middlesex Hospital in June suffering from neuritis, was probably the greatest all-round sportsman. [He returned home only six days ago after spending two months in hospital]." -
The Football Post [Portsmouth News], Saturday, 8 September 1956.
cremated Tuesday, 11 September 1956, Golder's Green
interred Friday, 28 September 1956
St Wystan Church, Repton (below)
"The Rev. David Sheppard, Sussex and England cricketer, officiated at the cremation service at Golders Green on Tuesday." - Sussex Express, Friday, 14 September 1956
Probate "FRY Charles Burgess of 8 Moreland Court Lyndale-avenue London N.W.2 died 7 September 1956 Probate London 19 November to Charis Fry and Faith Mary Fry spinsters. Effects £9197 2s. 11d." [2024 equivalent: £193,631]
  "Mr. Charles Burgess Fry. the cricketer. of London, N.W., and formerly of Hamble, Hants. who died on September 7 last, aged 84, left £9,197 gross, £8,929 net (duty paid £358). He left 200 "in acknowledgement of her kindness to me during my illness some years ago and afterwards" to Miss Anne Bradley, and the residue equally between his daughters, Miss Charis Fry and Miss Faith M. Fry, who both live in London. In addition to the two daughters, he left a son, Mr. Stephen Fry, who is not mentioned in the will." - Express & Echo, Thursday, 22 November 1956
Oxford University Alumni Fry, Charles Burgess, born at West Croydon, Surrey, 25 April 1872; 1S. Lewis, John, of C.S. WADHAM,  CHRIST CHURCH, matric. 20 Oct., 91 aged 19 (from Repton school), scholar 90; in the University eleven 92.
Douglas Lammings' An English Football Internationalist Who's Who [1990] &
Biographies Mr C.B. Fry - Albert Craig (London: Wright, 1906)

A rare early ephemeral item relating to one of the sport's true all-rounders. The author, Albert Craig. was an interesting character. His specialty was in penning cricket rhymes on the leading personalities of the day and he became known as 'The Surrey Poet'. His distribution system was simplicity itself - once he'd got his poem printed in folding card format he'd simply go to a ground and hawk them round the boundary. Now very collectable.
C.B. Fry: The Man and his Methods - A.W. Myers (Bristol: J.W. Arrowsmith, 1912)
Respected tennis writer Myers here produces the first serious study of the Victorian-Edwardian superstar. Right-back for Southampton in the 1902 Cup Final and a first class cricketing century just a week later for the world long jump record holder!
Life Worth Living: some phrases of an Englishman - C.B. Fry (London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1939)
This definitive autobiographical work is the one to consult for all researchers interested in C.B. With the Corinthians, he played against most of the best professional clubs from 1888 to 1902 - Chapter XIII deals entirely with football, offering one of all too few eyewitness accounts of Victorian footballers at play
C.B. Fry - Denzil Batchelor (London: Phoenix House, 1951)
Concentrates on the Sussex and Hampshire careers of the cricketer-footballer from 1894 to 1921 with some inevitable football references.
A View of Football - C.B. Fry (London: Derek Verschoyle, 1952) unpublished
C.B.: A Life of Charles Burgess Fry - Clive Ellis (London: Dent 1984)
Chapter 13 (pages 133-148) is entitled 'Soccer Star' and includes many lesser known football anecdotes. It is rather refreshing that some of them show Fry's abilities at football to be less than complete - in the Luton v. Southampton game in November 1901 C.B. lost his cool and indulged in some distinctly ungentlemanly retaliation, which so inflamed the Luton crowd they pelted the great man with missiles. So he wasn't perfect after all!
The captain's Lady - Ronald Morris (London: Chatto & Windus, 1985)
This is a biography of Beattie Fry, the wife he called 'Madame'. One of the very few works in which it is possible to consider the role of a wife in the life of an early sportsman. Whether or not she washed his muddy kit is not revealed, but all students of C.B. would do well to read this study in tandem with the more obvious research
Life Worth Living: some phrases of an Englishman - C.B. Fry (London: Pavilion, 1986)
Alan Ross, long-term editor of The London Magazine, is one of a number of high-profile figures in the world of literature with a genuine longstanding interest in football. His evocative poems, 'Stanley Matthews', 'Boyhood', 'Cup-tie Crowds', and 'Football on the Riviera' have appeared in several anthologies.
C.B. Fry: An English Hero - Iain Wilton (London: Richard Cohen books, 1999)
A Football Compendium, Peter J. Seddon (1999)
Also: The Indomitable Beatie: Charles Hoare, C. B. Fry and the Captain's Lady - Ronald Morris (Sutton Publishing, 18 March 2004)

Playing Career

Began his football career early with West Kent FC when he was only twelve years old. Attended Repton School and made the XI in 1888-91, making the captain in his final year.  Played for The Casuals before going up to Wadham College, where he played for Oxford University AFC, earning his Blue 1892-95, becoming the captain in 1894. Played for the Old Reptonians AFC from 1892-1903. Played for his hometown club Southampton from 1900-02, making sixteen Southern League appearances, and for Portsmouth FC from 12 January 1903 on amateur forms, playing twice in the Southern League.
Corinthians 1892-1903
Club honours Southern League winners 1900-01; FA Cup runners-up 1901-02;
Individual honours: Appeared on BBC's This Is Your Life in 1955;
Two Brighton & Hove buses (829 March 2000-March 2012, 429 since March 2012 (left)) were named in his honour;
Distinctions: An Oxford Blue at Cricket (1892-95, captain in 1894), he also played for Sussex CCC (1894-1908), London CCC (1900-02) and Hampshire CCC (1909-21), as well as India (1921-22). He was an athletics Blue (President 1894) specialising in sprints and the long jump, establishing a world record in the latter event. Played rugby for Oxford (missing out on his Blue because of injury), Blackheath RFC, Barbarians RFC and Surrey RFC.
Father of Stephen Fry
(Hampshire CCC, 1922-31);
Height/Weight 5' 10½" [1899],  5' 11", 13st. 0lbs [1902], 5' 10", 11st. 13lbs [1903], 5' 10½" [1937]

Douglas Lammings' An English Football Internationalist Who's Who [1990].

England Career

Player number One of five who became the 257th players (257) to appear for England.
Position(s) Right-back
Only match No. 71, 9 March 1901, England 3 Ireland 0, a British Championship match at The Dell, Milton Road, The Common, Southampton, aged 28 years 318 days.
Major tournaments British Championship 1900-01;
Team honours British Championship winners 1900-01;
Individual honours The South (one appearance, February 1901; withdrew in February 1902)
The Amateurs (withdrew, September 1901)
Distinctions Played 26 cricket test matches for England, captain for six of them (1896-1912).

Beyond England

Won a First at Oxford, taught at Charterhouse 1896-98 and then went into journalism with Daily Express and founding in March 1904, C B Fry's magazine. He then took over the naval training ship, Mercury, in March 1908, remaining until retiring in 1950. - An English Football Internationalists' Who's Who. Douglas Lamming (1990). Hatton Press, p.103.
Also began radio commentary for the BBC on cricket matches from 1936.

The Numbers
parties Appearances comp. apps minutes captain
2 1 1 90 0 none
The minutes here given can only ever be a guideline and cannot therefore be accurate, only an approximation.
1 1 0 0 3 0 +3 0 1 3 0 100 +1
His only match was played in the British Championship competition and at a home venue

Tournament Record

British Championship Competition
Type P W D L F A GD FTS CS FAv AAv Pts% W/L
BC 1900-01 1 1 0 0 3 0 +3 0 1 3.00 0.00 100.0 +1
BC All 1 1 0 0 3 0 +3 0 1 3.00 0.00 100.0 +1

All Competition
Type P W D L F A GD FTS CS FAv AAv Pts% W/L
BC 1 1 0 0 3 0 +3 0 1 3.00 0.00 100.0 +1
1 1 0 0 3 0 +3 0 1 3 0 100 +1

Match History

 Club: Oxford University A.F.C. & Old Reptonians A.F.C. - no full appearances F.A. International Select Committee - one full appearance (90 min)x

apps match match details comp res. rundown pos

Age 20
u/o 19 December 1891 - England 6 Canadian-Americans 1, The Surrey Cricket Ground, Kennington Fr HW   lb

 Club: Southampton F.C. & Corinthians F.C. - one full appearance (90 min)  

Age 28 trial  
one appearance  - The South vs. The North, 25 February 1901;

1 71 9 March 1901 - England 3 Ireland 0
The Dell, Southampton
(home ground)
BC HW   rb

one of five who became the 257th player (257) to appear for England
the fourth Southampton FC player to represent England
the 61st Corinthian to represent England

Age 29
Tour of FA 21 September 1901 - England 12 Germany 0, White Hart Lane, Tottenham tour HW withdrew

withdrew - The South vs. The North, 24 February 1902;

Age 30
76 3 May 1902 - England 2 Scotland 2, Aston Lower Grounds, Birmingham BC HD reserve
"If [Crompton] be unable to play, Fry is expected to fill the vacancy"

