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Forum 2006 part one


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Steve McWolf, from Germany, 4 July 2006, following England's elimination from the World Cup:-

I have to consider where I start first. Maybe I shall start with a description of football: hey guys look what football as giant market has brought us. It has brought ridiculous rulings, where every harder man contact is rewarded with a yellow or red card. It has brought us referees giving the result of the game and not the players. Where players can be wiped off the field after the game. Where money makes lushy stars, forgetting the fun while playing. And all the fans forget - Its an emotional game. More of that: An alternative for war. Where nations fight against each other and prove who can play best, nearly peacefully.

I saw nearly all the games and we had a lot of party together with British, Swedish, Italian and believe me or not Orange fans. I like to thank Wayne Rooney for being that true hearted football monster, never giving up, not falling while being fouled. He didn't deserve a red card for an accident, that it was in the game vs. Portugal. I can understand his reactions, being emotionally betrayed (it really feels like that, ever played football anyone?) by his "former" teammate in the premier league. He is sympathetic because he aint that football model with2 or 3 PR- Agents telling him what to say or not. Everyone calling the type of player a primitive doesn't understand football. Good football is always a bit primitive because it feeds our oldest instincts and makes happy or sad.  That is the soul of the game!!!  30 years ago there where more of those players and less referees with a catalogue of rules behind. And you know what: The World Championships deserved that name in those times. Because everyone fought to the end, so that a lost game was not a loss of pride.

The next embarrassing Fifa decision... Our player Frings was hit by three Argentineans, he pushed forward his own hand and... got barred? for the next game. And that was delivered to Fifa by pressure of the Italian yellow press. Populism rules. Find weaknesses and deliver the killing blow before the game starts...That ain't football. Not the Fist of Frings in defence for a teammate is unsportsmanlike, to sneak something to gain an advantage is it. Its mad: Everyone in these times likes Betrayal but no-one likes the betrayer. I hope the remaining England fans could support our team, which will play the virtues of old times I hope. We had a great time with you, the British fans in Germany, next time I look forward to see our teams in the finals of the european championships, without Italy or Portugal :D. I like being primitive.

Frode Tj�nn, from Norway, 3 July 2006, following England's elimination from the World Cup:-

I am a football fan of premier league, but not the football England is playing. It must be terrible to be an English football supporter when your team can't play one single good football game. Football comes from England but it didn't look like during world championship.

Steve Jones, from Wales, 3 July 2006, following England's elimination from the World Cup:

Unlucky England but only went for it after Beckham's injury and Rooney's sending off (Ronaldo has a lot to answer for there).  Also WAGS too much of  a distraction, and very poor behaviour from them, you don't read about any other teams wags.  The whole set up around the England team was not professional enough, players stood around waiting for luggage to be off loaded from bus etc right through to lack off clear game plan.  The England fans were let down, not by the players but by bad management.

Joanne Blenkiron, from U.K., 3 July 2006, following England's elimination from the World Cup:-

I'm gutted, England had them on the back foot, they never looked like scoring. Good luck lads.

Beejan, destination unknown, 3 July 2006, following England's elimination from the World Cup:-

I don't know what it was this time....but losing depressed the crap out of me. They should of won that game. We have the best team of players on paper....I am English to the bone and no matter what I will always stand by the team...YOU ALL HAD A GREAT WORLD CUP. THANKS FOR TAKING US AS FAR AS YOU DID.

John Heavens, from U.K., 3 July 2006, following England's elimination from the World Cup:-

We're out! I am so relieved because:- 

firstly, because we didn't progress: England played dreadfully throughout and to have progressed would have been a travesty. we were the worst of a very poor collection of teams.

secondly, because Eriksson and Beckham have gone. it seems amazing to me that Beckham states he still wants to play for England...I thought you had to win a place by being good enough, which he hasn't been for some time. Lets hope Steve McClaren is brave enough to axe all the other overpaid underperformers...say what you like but England played with zero spirit...what happened to the spirit that did Germany 5-0, or Holland 4-1.

thirdly because we have seen Rooney exposed for the ugly human being that he is...more overpaid underperformance...his whingeing at every decision shows him for being a spoilt little monster and not much different really to Cristiano Ronaldo.

fourthly and most importantly, because we have seen how the whole game of football, in its glittering showcase competition, watched by millions globally, has been exposed for being the nasty business that it is, where winning is everything, even if it means lying and cheating. football is a fine example of the ultimate implosion of unfettered capitalism, where super-rich players and managers just don't do what they are (over)paid to do and instead rely on cheating. I agree that this England squad could and should have won the world cup...but the players are no longer players, the manager is no longer a manager: they are celebrities who just do not need to bother, except to worry about which fast car they're going to buy, which  enormous houses they're going to buy, which stupid celebrity girlfriend they're going to buy. Capitalism has ruined football at national and international levels.

personally, I believe ONLY Allardyce has the hard edge to do what is required and replace the entire line-up. Leave out Beckham et al...we will achieve better results with a team of lesser known players who don't have an eye on their business opportunities. (That's if you can find some.) I bet all the other nations were laughing their socks off at England's poverty of imagination, intelligence, drive, determination, pride in wearing the shirt. what a great bunch of losers the England football team are. Compare Zidane to Beckham? what a joke...compare Owen to Henri? Risible...compare Hiddink to Eriksson? you'll die laughing first....

Message to Eriksson and the whole team...can we have our money back please? you go down in English football history as the laughing stock. of all time...yes, worse even than Turnip Taylor, although I've followed England for over 35 years, I'm so relieved I don't have to watch any more of that England team.

Good luck to McClaren...let's hope he has the balls to start afresh

Wang Changseng, from China, 2 July 2006, following England's elimination from the World Cup:-

I am your honest fan. I am very sad when you lost game.  Last night I watch tv all the night with so many football fans. we hope you can do the best because your team own many best players in the world.  You are the best team in 20 years in England. I believe you can gain successes and make worder to the world. I support you! I support Beckham, Owen, Lampard, Gerrard, all of you! Rooney, I want to say, go on and you are sure of getting what you want if only you have a dream I trust you!

Michael, from U.K., 2 July 2006, following England's elimination from the World Cup:-

Serious question's to be asked with Ronaldo's behaviour and his future with Man U, telling Rooney in advance he will be sent off in the game, That wink !!  Speaking to the Ref in a language Rooney wouldn't understand. Taking an active part in Rooney's dismissal.  Players with a conflict of interests has to be addressed !!!!!!!!!!!!

A fan, from Russia, 2 July 2006, following England's elimination from the World Cup:-

England the best football team! I'm really sorry that your team isn't qualified 1/4. Sorry for my English, i'm from Russia. I'm really cried.

Sinbad, from destination unknown, 1 July 2006, following England's elimination from the World Cup:-

I'm sorry but I am English through and through. and I know that what I say wont change anything 1 iota. But 1 up front, which Eriksson never changed, was never, ever going to work, pundits stated it, [Blatter] stated it.  [Beckenbuear] stated it, AND ALL OF ENGLAND SAID IT, why? why?. England football world cup was ......a shambles come home your shit. I am ashamed to be called a football nation, you YOU England footballers.........too much money NO PRIDE

David Bruin, from Middlesbrough, England, 1 July 2006, following England's elimination from the World Cup:-

What went Wrong???

On paper we have such an amazing team. Nearly all the players have won top club honours but again we have been let down.  Before this tournament, I could only name about 5 of the Italian squad and 5 of the German squad, but they're in Semi Finals due to organisation and good coaches.  Tonight, Portugal were for the taking. Unbelievably they were less adventurous than us, but what does Sven do, go like for like and stay negative.  I'm being honest here, when I say, I would have preferred him to take a gamble and show some balls, if it backfired and we lost in extra time, then I would say at least he went for it. But instead, its the same old, out on penalties and all the what ifs?  For me, Lampard could have been sacrificed, he has been ineffective all tournament, and Theo Walcott should have been brought on. It would have been a gamble, but that's why is he selected, for that very reason. But Sven is just so negative. The worrying thing is, we have no new ideas to look forward to, Steve McClaren pulls the strings and we have to suffer another four years with him at the helm. I live in Middlesbrough and talk to the fans, and all of them say, watching England is like watching boro. The difference with this is, Boro had four strikers to put on and win a quarter final and we had two!!  Wayne Rooney was silly but with pressure put on his shoulders, built up by the press and even his own coach (which is crazy, you never hear Ferguson saying Wayne's going to win us the league).  The lad is coming back from injury with everyone expecting miracles. He was frustrated, like he was when he we played out of position against Spain and we/he paid the price.  The press have built him and pray they don't knock him down, look at Eriksson instead. When we were waiting for extra time to start and before the penalties, where was he, it was Beckham spurring the players on. Terrible!!  Lampard and Gerrard disappointed. They drive their teams on week in, week out in the premiership, but never do it for England. Think of the Champions league/FA Cup Final for Liverpool or how many times Lampard has set Chelsea on the way to another win. Maybe they are just not  inspired by their coach. How could they be? Have you heard his interviews??  I just feel so let down yet again. Before the Euro Championships, lets not hype us up and we may just do ok.

Ps, lets not hear the following:  If Rooney hadn't been sent off, it was too  hot, we had injury problems etc.  Heard it all before and its boring. France lost players through injuries but they're still there. The Semi Finals are full of european teams so the heat lark is rubbish!!!!

Steve Keegan, from U.K., 1 July 2006, following England's elimination from the World Cup:-

worst midfield players - Gerrard and Lampard, ineffective to the extreme, they're supposed to be big game matchwinners but both have been tired and out of form throughout world cup 2006 but manager lacked the bottle to drop either one or both of them  - shockingly bad against Portugal.

Manfred Kleimann, from Kassel, Germany, 1 July 2006, following England's elimination from the World Cup:-

Hi ENGLAND!  My deepest sympathy for your great play and your unlucky loss at the pens kicking ... Wish you all the best from now on ...

Jo Mauboussin, from France, 1 July 2006, following England's elimination from the World Cup:-

Well done!! for England!! you didn't have lost a match... I'm terribly sorry for the result of the penalty shots...but you have a very nice team!!! special motion for Terry and Ferdinand...simply fabulous.
Thank you for your fighting spirit!!!   Sorry for my English... but I support England since I was a kid and I have 38 now.

Madhya-ood, from Walthamstow, 1 July 2006, following England's elimination from the World Cup:-

well done england!!! good try it was all cause of luck that portugal won! we should have won.

Mark Bryant, from Australia, 29 June 2006, on an England song:-

Just listening to Cliff Portwood's song Up There England.  What a rip off..... This song was written by Mike Brady here in Australia and is known as "Up the Cazaly". The song is about Roy Cazaly who played Australian Rules Football.  Story on BBC suggests this song was written in 1966 and was in the music charts at that time. Not so!  Mike has just been interview on radio here in Australia [Radio 3aw - Neil Mitchell telephone 03 96900693] and he and his legal people are looking to speak to Cliff.

Sergio, a Portuguese fan in U.S., 28 June 2006, on the upcoming clash between England and Portugal:-

Just wanted to know what kind of people you wankers think you are...Who on God's green earth (or whatever yr religious affiliation is) would ever believe that your national team is a contender when you are scared of facing a Portugal team led by Figo, who by the is a better footballer than yr pretty boy fag David Beckham.  I have heard reports, and they may be false, that the English Football Federation sent a memo to FIFA asking them to ban Figo from playing in Saturday's game... if these reports are true, then may i say..."YOU GUYS ARE A BUNCH OF PUSSIES!" Not only have we had yr number in the past few encounters...let's reminisce:

Euro 2000 in the Netherlands and Belgium: Group stage, England face Portugal and take an early 2-0 lead...but who else to come and save the day than LUIS FIGO, who blasts one from quite a distance outside the box into the right-hand corner of the net being defended i believe by some guy who's name doesn't even need to be remembered, i know he sucked and that he should've been drinking David's Seamen...HHAHAHA...we (Portugal) won 3-2...great game by the way, as it always is with the English side.

Euro 2004 in my beloved corner of Iberia, Portugal: quarter-final match vs. the bloody wankers.  Michael Owen, with some spectacular showing of skill scores a great goal to start off the match...but after regulation the game is tied...in extra-time we exchange goals and go to penalty kicks...after an exchange of goals and misses, we remain tied until our keeper, RICARDO, scores to help his own cause...then, as if to say, EFF YOU, he takes off his gloves and makes the winning save...truly amazing spectacle put on by both teams, perhaps the greatest game i've ever seen played with my own two eyes...

In other words we've had yr number for a few matches now (although you did beat us pretty nice in a friendly match in england a few years ago...but then again...we weren't really playing for anything were we now?). Basically what i'm trying to get across here is that i expect a great match between both our teams, and that i hope we can avoid the ugliness of football without fair play...the Dutch team obviously has issues with losing, again they've had some trouble with us since 1991...and that's a long time to take it in the ass by one team...trust me i know i'm a Boston Red Sox fan...

again, the best of luck to england...i hope to see a great game Saturday...and may the best team win.

p.s.: don't worry to much about Figo, he's 33 years old...but he'll still shit on you!!!

p.s.s.: the best thing about English soccer: the HOOLIGANS...those guys are true fans, maybe you should consider throwing them on the pitch...seeing they have more heart than anyone on the starting eleven...the only puking they'd be doing during the game would be from the long night before.

          in response, John Martin, from Merseyside, UK, wrote less than hour later:-

          Sergio, the Portugese fan from United States, sounds like a well balanced chap!!

Tony Harte, Manchester, England, 28 June 2006, on omens:- 

Does anyone know if wearing a long-sleeved shirt is considered a lucky omen by the England team?

I've noticed in recent matches that a least one player (usually Beckham) wears a long-sleeved shirt.  In the Ecuador game Rooney wore the shirt in the first half changing to a short sleeved shirt for the second half whilst Becks changed from a short sleeved shirt to a long sleeved shirt for the second half.  Given the intense heat during the match it seemed like madness to wear excess clothing hence my belief that this shirt wearing is seen as a sure route to success.

Should I be wearing a long sleeved shirt rather than my favoured natty short sleeve shirt when watching the matches?

Considering that Beckham half filled a vom-bucket after changing to the long sleeved shirt will this habit be followed in future matches?  Does the win outweigh the heave? 

Matt Thomas, Colchester, England, 21 June 2006, on Diving/Simulation/Cheating/whatever:-

I write this after the Portugal/Holland & Italy/Australia game and am so frustrated.  Nope, not like that.  I'm infuriated that 16 years after West Germany made a mockery of the rules of the game with ridiculous dives and then more tumbles than a Gymnast we are still having to deal with the cheating that so many perpetrate.

So much was said last night about the Russian referee ruining the game between '....two great footballing sides...' that many have missed the point. If the players didn't dive/cheat/etc there would have been half the cards (take out the 'professional' fouls and there would have been less still). The Italy penalty this afternoon is another case in point. It was such an obvious dive you wonder what the referee was watching but the fact is this, if the player didn't dive then the referee wouldn't have that decision to make. 

Two years ago I posted on this site, after the '04 Euro Champs, about simulation and nothing has improved. FIFA should start banning players for diving (several games) and then it might not be so attractive to cheat. I play & manage in local football and if I foul someone I accept that I might get a yellow card. If someone dives, however, they need to understand that they won't need to dive a 2nd time because retribution is swift- maybe, if players are caught cheating, then the oppositions captain should be allowed to garrotte the individual concerned. ....  anything that works is good for me.

I guess if an England player cheats to win a game (too nervous to suggest the Final!) then for a short while I would be happy we'd won...... but it would still leave a bitter taste- we don't seem to need any more reasons for other nations to dislike us! 

For commentators to suggest it is the referee's fault, though, is ludicrous. The players are making referee's life impossible and David Pleat blaming the referee shows him up to be the idiot that he is. There are too many nations that can't go 5 minutes without some form of cheating but I'm not sure FIFA are taking the problem seriously enough.  Whilst players like Robben, Totti & Drogba are free to dive without appropriate punishment then games will continue to be decided the wrong way.

Chelsea Esau, Winnipeg, Canada, 24 June 2006, on David Beckham:-

David Beckham is by far the most talented player on the pitch.  People who criticize Beckham obviously don�t know football to well, and don�t see the work he does off the ball as well as on the ball.  With the amount of talent England is carrying this tournament we should be able to perform well in the second round.

Patrick Leahy, Singapore, 22 June 2006, following England's draw with Sweden:-

If England are to progress Eriksson and McClaren have to improve their tactics with substitutions.  Why bring on Campbell when England�s third best centre back is already on the pitch? Carragher should have moved into replace Ferdinand, Beckham should have gone to right back and Lennon should have been brought on to pressurise the Swedish defence. Just not good enough Sven.

Matt Thomas, Colchester, England, 21 June 2006, following England's draw with Sweden:-

So, 3 games gone. Two wins & one draw. Who would have taken that, regardless of performance, prior to the tournament? Yep, almost everyone.

I'm tiring of peoples almost never ending requirement to be negative about all and sundry in an England football shirt. Fine, if a player puts in a couple of truly poor performances on the trot then consider  sharpening the knives (David James in Euro '04 & Phil Neville in the 21st Century spring to mind...).

With the 3 games so far who has really been poor? Owen didn't have the service (and was lacking fitness..... unfortunately now not going to be an issue for several months), Crouch was marooned, Lampard & Gerrard are hampered by the system. Apart from that no-one has been truly abysmal.

Sven (and I don't like him as a manager but you have to respect his record- though if he was English does anyone really think he would have lasted this long?) made poor substitutions against Paraguay (we aren't Italian and aren't naturally suited to camping out on the edge of our area to soak up pressure) and I'm still wondering when he might play Walcott now because if we need to turn a game he will surely go for Lennon over the 'kid'? On the other hand he went the other way against Trin & Tob and won the game with his timely showing of gumption and to have further guts to play Rooney is going to pay dividends.

All in all we are doing really well. Beckham is still awesome (those that criticise him don't see his work off, as well as 'on', the ball) and those that suggest Lennon as a starter over him might like to consider the fact that although Lennon is looking to be great, he doesn't have the final ball consistency like Beckham yet. The Coles are playing well together. Hargreaves was exceptional yesterday.  Despite the 2 set-piece goals the defence is still good- one game doesn't change that.  Rooney will only get better & Owens injury might force Sven to play 4-5-1 which accommodates Lampard & Gerrard.

My tip before the tournament would have been Spain or Argentina (with us as outsiders). I would say that I'm expecting at least a semi-place now....  Bring on the South Americans....

Darren Coles, location unknown, 20 June 2006, following England's draw with Sweden:-

I hope the England team can read this because the dodgeball competitions are open for next year around this time and I think they would be perfect for the job because they get all the training they need from Sven.  How does four players miss a ball in the last 10 seconds and why do they only pass backwards it similar to rugby but more like a girl guides rugby match.  This makes me angry and tired.

p.s. Joe Cole and Steven Gerrard played well Ashley Cole sucks wang so does Rio and Sol.

Derek Hurst, location unknown, 20 June 2006, following England's draw with Sweden:-

Best player on the pitch is David Beckham, and sorry to say but they need a new goal keeper bring back David Seaman or Gordon Banks.

Brian Weeks, an ex-Brit from Canada, 18 June 2006, following England's victory over Trinidad:-

I hope that England plays better football than they have shown in the world cup. The game against Trinidad Tobago was nothing to be proud of.  If that is the best England can do then you are in big trouble.

Anne Ross-Greetham, from Saffron Walden, Essex, 16 June 2006, following England's victory over Trinidad:-

What a load of rubbish England are!!!  Over paid players with massive egos!!! Shame they cannot put their egos behind them and play football like the Brazilians,  should I say it...the Argentineans?!!!

William Fulton, from Scotland, 15 June 2006, following England's victory over Trinidad:-

Once again your English media can't stop, you can't watch a game without England being talked about for the whole 90 min. Come on England fans, give your media pelters and maybe you would get the support from north of the border.  After all there is more teams in the world cup than yours it is so boring and never ending.

Geoff Mason, from Costa Rica, 19 May 2006, on England's World Cup hopes:-

I've been waiting since 1966 (when I was eleven year's old) for England to win the world cup. I'm living in Costa Rica since 22 years now and, just like the England squad, somehow cannot bring out the enthusiasm or the clear hope that maybe this will be THE world cup to remember.... I've seen alot of Latin American football played with such flair and enthusiasm - If only England could play with the same flair and enthusiasm, and show clearly that the team WANTS to win - that nothing else matters. World class players CAN be beaten - CAN be stopped.

At English club levels, the game is brilliant. However, when it comes to international level, it all falls apart. What does Brazil REALLY have that England doesn't have? Most brazilian players play in europe. How many English players play in Brazil?? Could they learn a trick or two?

Some time ago, there was a chance that a Brazilian would take on the England squad. It kindled hope, but that chance faded, It would have been a wonderful opportunity. Very sad.....

I'm tired of seeing Ronaldinho throwing himself on the ground to get free kicks (RE: Barcelona vs Arsenal)

Finally, I hope that England will start the world cup right this time by playing good, FAST, football. Speed still wins the game, you know.

Andy Kinsella, from Sheffield, 28 March 2006, on the British Championship:-

I've just been reading with interest, on this site the article on the now defunct 'Home international championships' tournament. I for one miss it and always will. That said I understand the reasons behind stopping it. We do need something like this in our footballing lifes for bragging rights alone. Think of all the local derby's on a Saturday afternoon. (Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Sunday, delete as applicable). Of all the the people that miss work the next day because they can't face their work colleagues after their team got stuffed against the local rivals.

Why don't we have a B' International home championships? This way we could see how players from lower divisions are coming along and we could re-ignite the passion of beating, and losing to the old foe's

CG: I believe they are attempting this at the semi-professional level, but that just isn't gaining the angst of a nation.

James, from Carlisle, Cumbria, 25 February 2006, on the new England away kit:-

I don't know how he got it, but I've seen someone wearing what appears to be the new England away shirt for some time now (it's identical to the Sun exclusive photos).  In any case, I won't be buying it as it looks absolutely terrible!  Very cheap looking.

CG: I know Asda have started to sell the shirts early, which is good of them - still, Asda don't pick the design, do they?

Tony Greatorex, from Syston, Leicestershire, 14 February 2006, on the new England Manager:-

Please! Anyone but O'Neill. The Home Nations always want ANYONE to win but England.  We need an Englishman OR another real foreigner, not an Irishman who has a passion for the ethos of Celtic.

CG: I entirely agree, I'd like to see some good old fashioned English passion back in job, something that would suit Stuart Pearce nicely.  My personal choice would be Peter Reid, but I think I'm alone on that one.

Joe Brazel, from the U.K., 9 February 2006, on the National Anthem:-

Does everyone not think that it is about time England changed the anthem played before international matches.  Don't get me wrong, 'God save the Queen' is a good song and I, like many others feel a sense of loyalty and pride to Her Majesty.  However, 'GstQ' is the national anthem of the whole UK including Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.  The Scots and Welsh both use a national song from their respective countries and it is time we did the same. 

Using 'GstQ' creates many problems; first of all, it deprives England of its national identity.  It also adds to the misguided confusion many have between 'England' and 'Britain', which in turn adds to the view of many citizens north & west of the border believing that their countries are being forgotten in the union.

There are many songs which could be considered as our national song, of which Jerusalem is the most notably English and is often sung at England cricket games, this would therefore be my choice (however there are many others which could be considered such as 'Land of Hope and Glory' which is used as the victory anthem in the Commonwealth games).

I believe that it is important England regains its national identity and by changing the anthem of the most famous English institution (the football team) it would go along way to achieving this ('GstQ' would of obviously continue to be used as the anthem for the whole UK at events such as the Olympic games). 

Lasse Ljungberg, from Stockholm, Sweden, 1 February 2006, on Sven's leadership:-

I feel sorry for England.  Why do everyone try to make Sven Göran's work impossible?  In Sweden we've been happy to have the opportunity to watch English football since the 60's.  I love to watch it and England feels a little bit like my second homeland because of that.  Sportsmanship has been the leading star of England but now I don�t know anymore.  What do they achieve by setting up Göran?  To make every work being impossible for him?  Do anyone want to take over after Sven?  Not many.

CG: The National Team's job is one of such notoriety that once it is taken, the man is on a pedestal ready to be shot down by the media.  Whoever is 'foolish' enough to take on the mantel needs to earn his huge paycheck and stay quiet and does his job.  Regardless of what we see as innocent or friendly, or simply looking after future interests - the man must put England first, or else....

Kim Wakeman, from Southend-on-sea, 17 January 2006, on Sven's sting:-

This is a plea to all England fans.  Boycott the News of the World with immediate effect until after the World Cup.  With four months to go until the start of the worlds most important sporting event the News of the World decide to target the England manager in an elaborate sting operation. This newspaper has really shown where its loyalty lies.  Not with the true England fans, not with the team. No, once again this alleged newspaper concocts a scheme to cause maximum disruption to the England team preparations.  It attempts to cause a rift between players and management.  They are not interested in the slightest about getting behind the England Team. They are only interested in sales.  If they really had to resort to this lowest level of journalism surely they would have targeted the manager of a foreign team.  Perhaps the hacks at NOTW believe we are a foreign team.  After all, is this the paper owned by an Australian?  Oh yes, and  Australia have qualified for the tournament as well.  Hmmm.

We all have our opinions on Sven but whatever you think, the fact of the matter is that we are once again participating in the greatest sporting spectacle.  No true fan of English football would want to damage our prospects would they?  Well I can only conclude that the News of the World doesn't care. Lets remember that there was no story here.  That rag created one.  It deliberately set out to catch Sven off guard.  It deliberately set out to cause mayhem.  If there ain't no news then they'll damn sure make some and damn the consequences as long as they sell more papers.  Never mind the fans, never mind the team.

I'm just an ordinary fan of English football but I can remember as a teenager those barren world cup years of 1974 and 1978 when I was reduced to cheering on those English haters from north of the border.  Now that we've got a team that can actually qualify for major tournaments it is time for all fans whoever they follow, be it Chelsea or Northwich Victoria to really get behind our national team. It's a time for strength and unity. I ask you all once again to not buy the News of the World.  Lets hit 'em where it hurts.  COME ON ENGLAND !!!!!!

CG: Should the worst happen this summer, that is, we fail miserably, I wonder where NOTW will lay the blame.  Whatever the case, news will always remain news, there is no principle, no justice and no courtesy in how that news is obtained.  Let's just hope that Sven let's his actions do the talking, that is, win the World Cup and stay.