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Unofficial Results
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10u/o match vs. Austro~Germany
  Friday, 24 November 1899
Football Association Tour of Germany

'All' Germany 2 England 10 [1-7]

The Irish News reported the result as a 6-2 English victory
and Reuters reported that the half-time score was just 1-5.

"In the end, after eighty minutes' paly, the English eleven were left the winners by ten goals to two" - Sporting Life

Athletik-Sportsplatz, Kurfurstendamm-Rennbahn, Berlin
Kick-off (CET): 'began at 10.30'; 'play began at 10.45'; before eleven o'clock.'
Attendance: 512.

  Stanley Briggs won the toss

[1-3] Walter Jestram
 'a good run on the right and a clear middle'
[0-1] Joe Rogers header 3/4
'secured the first after 3 minutes' play; four minutes had elapsed before Rogers headed the ball between the German posts'
[0-2] Fred Forman 'game had hardly resumed'
'scored the second goal from a corner'
[0-3] Geoff Wilson 'two minutes later'
'result of a good run, from his foot'
[1-4] Geoff Wilson
[1-5] Joe Rogers
[1-6] Stanley Taylor

'ball was sent out to Forman, and after he was stopped Taylor got on to it'
[1-7]  Joe Rogers
[2-7] Bock
 'some neat combination'

Billy Bassett
'sent in his warm shot'
[2-9] Joe Rogers
'distinguished himself with a neat run and followed up with a clever kick'
[2-10] Joe Rogers


  England Party
John David Cox
31 (21 October 1867), Spondon, Derbyshire, Derby County FC
Football Association tour of Germany, at the invitation of Walther Bensemann, Secretary of the Committee for International Soccer Matches
not known

Germany Team

Rank not applicable Colours black jerseys with red/white piping on sleeve, black sorts, black socks
(pictorial evidence)
Captain not known Selection Walther Bensemann
Germany Lineup
  Langer, Willi nk not known G Karlsruher FV
  Kohts/Hohl nk not known RB Akademischer SC 1893 Berlin
  Westendarp, Reginald 24
356 days
3 December 1874 LB Akademischer SC 1893 Berlin
  Schricker, Ivo W.E. 22
44 days
18 March 1877 RH Akademischer SC 1893 Berlin
  Wünsch nk not known CH Berliner FC Viktoria 1889 eV
  Thauner nk not known LH not known
  Link, Heinrich 21 1878 OR Karlsruher FV
  Zierold nk not known IR Berliner FC Germania 88
Bock nk not known CF Fortuna Berlin
Jestram, Walter nk not known IL Berliner Thor uFC Britannia 1892
  Gruschwitz nk not known OL Berliner FC Viktoria 1889 eV
reserves: not known
team notes: Ivo Schricker will go on to become the third FIFA General Secretary (1932-51)
2-3-5 Langer -
Kohts, Westendarp -
Schricker, Wünsch, Thamer -
Link, Zierold, Bock, Jestram, Gruschwitz


England Team

Rank not applicable Colours White jerseys and navy blue knickerbockers
Captain Stanley Briggs Selection Committee John James Bentley, Charles Hughes, Charles Alcock, George Sherrington and Percy Timbs.
England Lineup
  Waller, Wilfred H. 22
120 days
27 July 1877
in South Africa
G Richmond Association
  Bach, Philip 27
77 days
8 September 1872 RB Sunderland AFC
  Crabtree, James W. 27
336 days
23 December 1871 LB Aston Villa FC
  Briggs, Stanley 28
290 days
7 February 1871 RH Clapton FC
  Holt, John 33
39 days
16 October 1866 CH Reading FC
  Wreford-Brown, Oswald E. 22
126 days
21 July 1877 LH Old Carthusians AFC
Bassett, William I. 30
301 days
27 January 1869 OR West Bromwich Albion FC
Taylor, Stanley S. 24
267 days
2 March 1875 IR Cambridge University AFC & Corinthians FC
Wilson, Geoffrey P. 21
276 days
21 February 1878 CF Corinthians FC

Rogers, Joseph nk not known IL Newcastle United FC
Forman, Frederick R. 26
16 days
8 November 1873 OL Nottingham Forest FC
reserves: Edgar Chadwick, E.D. Brown.
2-3-5 Waller -
Bach, Crabtree -
Briggs, Holt, Wreford-Brown -
Bassett, Taylor, Wilson, Rogers, Forman
       Match Report Reuters, Friday, 24 November 1899

The second match between the English football team and a representative German eleven began here this morning shortly before eleven o'clock.
  The Englishmen did not put quite such a strong team into the field to-day, and they showed slight signs of fatigue. The Germans had a slightly stronger team than yesterday, and showed more combination and more method in their attack. There was a strong wind blowing.
  The Englishmen at the very start forced the ball to their opponents' goal, scoring within the first ten minutes. After Rogers had dribbled the ball down the centre an exciting mélee followed near the German goal, and then Forman shot a second goal. Good play on the part of the home team resulted in their scoring a goal, after which the English forwards, among whom Rogers and Taylor, the Cambridge blue were conspicuous, forced the game, and half-time arrived with the score standing at five goals to one.
  In the second half the game was faster. Both sides warming to their work, and Rogers in particular showing fine play. The English goal-keeper, who had little to do, allowed a shot to get past him. In the last 20 minutes the English attack was very strong, Rogers, who shot five goals, again excelling, as did also Taylor, Wilson, and Forman. At the call of time the Englishmen had scored 10 goals and the Germans two.
  Rohts, one of the German half-backs, played with great dash, and showed much precision in stopping rushes. Bassett was suffering from a sore throat, and scarcely did himself justice.
  At the end of the game the Englishmen heartily cheered their opponents, who cordially responded. The visitors are delighted with their reception in Berlin. They leave to-night for Prague.


       The Standard, Monday, 27 November 1899

The English football team in Germany are apparently having a good time. They have the two matches played in Berlin by 13 goals to to 2 and 10 to 2. They are evidently teaching the Germans something. Who knows, but England v. Germany may not be a great international in years to come.


       Source Notes
Official matchday programme, England vs. West Germany, 11 Sept 1991.
KB-Van Landeghem Sportarchief, Louvain, Belgium
The First European Soccer Match: Heiner Gillmeister
Special & Intermediate Internationals: Keith Warsop
Gottfried Fuchs Du Bist Ein Fussballgott
Alpinist Obositl
Best of Enemies - England vs. Germany: David Downing