England Football Online
Unofficial Results
Page Last Updated 5 June 2024


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68 vs. Ireland
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11u/o vs. Germany
  Tuesday, 28 November 1899
Football Association Tour of Germany

Austro-German XI 0
England 7

"The concluding match of the tour of the English football team on the Continent was played here today, when the Englishmen opposed an eleven representing the combined strength of Germany and Austria." - Manchester Courier, Wednesday 29 November 1899.

"The Englishmen at first finding it a bit difficult to get used to the ground, which was nearly a hundred yards wide. [130 by 100]" - Sporting Life

Military Exercise Ground, Karlsruhe
Kick-off (CET): 'a ball was not forthcoming when the players arrived, and as a messenger had to be despatched for it the game did not commence till 2.30 instead of 2.0 o'clock.'
Attendance: 'there were 3,000 spectators' ; 'between 3,000 and 4,000.'
  Stanley Taylor won the toss
  [0-1] Edgar Chadwick 8
'scored a fine goal from a neat pass by Taylor'
[0-2] Joe Rogers 'barely resumed'
'put the ball through off one of the German backs, from a Brown pass'
[0-3] Stanley Taylor
'put it through'
[0-4] Stanley Taylor
  [0-4] a shot by Edgar Chadwick 'hitting one of the posts and coming in front of goal' for...
[0-5] E.D. Brown 70
'got the ball through easily'
[0-6] Edgar Chadwick
'an excellent shot'
[0-7] Edgar Chadwick
'a splendid kick by Bach from the centre of the ground took the ball right into the mouth of the German goal, and Chadwick had no difficulty putting it through'
Match Summary


  England Party
Walther Bensemann
Secretary of the Committee for International Soccer Matches, Karlsruhe

Football Association tour of Germany, at the invitation of Walther Bensemann, Secretary of the Committee for International Soccer Matches
not known

Austro-German XI Team

Rank not applicable Colours not known, probably black
Captain Erwin Schricker Selection Walther Bensemann
Austro-German XI Lineup
  Langer, Willi nk not known G Karlsruher FV
  Schricker, Erwin 21
97 days
22 August 1878 RB Akademischer SC 1893 Berlin
  Kohts nk not known LB Akademischer SC 1893 Berlin
  Baier, Arthur nk not known RH Phönix Karlsruhe
  Schricker, Ivo W.E. 22
48 days
18 March 1877 CH Akademischer SC 1893 Berlin
  Schuon nk not known LH Karlsruher FV
  Lange, Fritz nk not known OR Karlsruher FV
  Rickmers nk not known IR Karlsruher FV
  Zinter nk not known CF Karlsruher FV
  Zierold nk not known IL Berliner FC Germania 88
  Link, Heinrich 21 1878 OL Karlsruher FV
reserves: not known
team notes: Ivo Schricker will go on to become the third FIFA General Secretary (1932-51)
2-3-5 Langer -
E.Schricker, Kohts -
Baier, I.Schricker, Schuon -
Lange, Rickmers, Zinter, Zierold, Link


England Team

Rank not applicable Colours White jerseys and navy blue knickerbockers
Captain Stanley Taylor Selection Committee John James Bentley, Charles Hughes, Charles Alcock, George Sherrington and Percy Timbs.
England Lineup
  Waller, Wilfred H. 22
124 days
27 July 1877
in South Africa
G Richmond Association
  Bach, Philip 27
81 days
8 September 1872 RB Sunderland AFC
  Crabtree, James W. 27
340 days
23 December 1871 LB Aston Villa FC
  Cox, John D. 31
38 days
21 October 1867 RH Derby County FC
  Holt, John 33
43 days
16 October 1866 CH Reading FC
  Wreford-Brown, Oswald E. 22
128 days
21 July 1877 LH Old Carthusians AFC
  Bassett, William I. 30
305 days
27 January 1869 OR West Bromwich Albion FC
Taylor, Stanley S. 24
271 days
2 March 1875 IR Cambridge University AFC & Corinthians FC
Brown, E.D. nk not known CF Clapton FC
Rogers, Joseph nk not known IL Newcastle United FC
Chadwick, Edgar W. 30
167 days
14 June 1869 OL Burnley FC
reserves: Geoffrey Wilson, Stanley Briggs, Fred Forman.
2-3-5 Waller -
Bach, Crabtree -
Cox, Holt, Wreford-Brown -
Bassett, Taylor, Brown, Rogers, Chadwick


       Match Report Reuters, Saturday, 28 November 1899

The concluding match of the tour if the English football team on the Continent was played here to-day, when the Englishmen again opposed an eleven representing the combined strength of Germany and Austria.
  The result was a win for England by seven goals to none. The width and roughness of the ground interfered to some extent with the combination of the English players, but they nevertheless pressed nearly all through the game. The German defence was good, but though playing a plucky game they were overmatched.
   In the first half two goals were scored by Taylor and one each by Chadwick and Rogers. In the second half Chadwick scored twice and Brown once. Holt played a splendid game for the Englishmen. There were 3,000 spectators.
   The Englishmen, who have had an extremely pleasant tour, leave for home to-morrow.


       Daily Mail, Saturday, 2 December 1899

The Englishmen won the toss, and after nine minutes' play Chadwick scored for them. Two minutes later Rogers added a second point, and before half-time Taylor put on two more. England thus led at the interval by 4 goals to nil.
  The second half was more evenly contested, and a long time elapsed before the visitors added to their score. Brown, however, obtained the fifth point, and Chadwick scoring twice more before the close, England won by 7 goals to nil.
   The uneven ground was all against scientific play, but Rogers forward, Holt at half-back, and Crabtree at back, all showed good form. The Germans showed plenty of pluck and pace, while their combination was fairly good and their goal-keeping excellent."


       Source Notes
Official matchday programme, England vs. West Germany, 11 Sept 1991.
KB-Van Landeghem Sportarchief, Louvain, Belgium
The First European Soccer Match: Heiner Gillmeister
Special & Intermediate Internationals: Keith Warsop
Gottfried Fuchs Du Bist Ein Fussballgott