England Football Online
Results 1891-1900
Page Last Updated 22 August 2023


52 vs. Scotland
53 vs. Ireland
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56 vs. Ireland
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58 vs. Scotland
Saturday, 6 April 1895
Home International Championship 1894-95 (12th) Match

England 3 Scotland 0

"It had been arranged to play off the final for the Liverpool Minor Cup as a preliminary to the big event, but on an inspection of the ground by the Emergency Committee it was decided to abandon that fixture, as it was considered it would have a detrimental effect on the ground." - Liverpool  Daily Post, Monday, 8 April 1895.

Football League Record

Season Record

Goodison Park, Goodison Road, Mere Green, Walton, Liverpool, Lancashire
Kick-off (GMT): 'at 4-13'; 'quarter-past before kick-off took place';

'30,000 people'; 'nearly 35,000 people'; '40,000'; (a new-world record attendance);
Receipts: 'over £1000';
England's first visit to Goodison Park is their third visit to Liverpool and eighth visit to Lancashire
John Goodall kicked off Jimmy Oswald won the toss

[1-0] Steve Bloomer 25
'Holt placed the ball very nicely, and Bloomer, seeing his opening, sent in a terrific ground ball with his left foot'; 'a terrific daisycutter'
[2-0] Neilly Gibson own goal 35

 'Goodall sent in a shot which brought M'Arthur to his knees, only partially cleared, and the ball rebounded off Gibson through the Scottish goal'

[3-0] Steve Smith 44
 'It was an incisive attack, and Drummond headed away a difficult shot, The ball went to the foot of Smith who with a beautiful lofty shot, travelled at pace and so accurately'
[0-0] Tom Waddell scores: disallowed handball 22
<England's fiftieth first half goal at home &
one hundredth goal at home

[3-0] Cunliffe Gosling scored: disallowed offside  
seventh ever scoreless second half (first since 1890) - tenth ever scoreless half

"THE SCOTS SLAUGHTERED" Tityrus, Athletic News


England Team Records Scotland
John Reid
Irish FA Secretary
For the first time since the International Matches began, Charlie Clegg, the chairman of the FA Council, made the suggestion of not having the trial matches to decide the team to face Scotland. But no further action was taken.
The Morning Post, Tuesday, 19 March 1895, p.3
Nicholas Lane Jackson
45 (1 November 1849), West Hackney
Corinthians FC & FA Hon. Secretary
Archibald Sliman
Scotland FA President

England Team

Rank No official ranking system established;
ELO rating 1st
Colours "...attired in white jerseys and blue knickers"
(photo evidence)
Captain Cunliffe Gosling Selection following the trial match, The new five-man FA International Selection Committee.
only match, W 1 - D 0 - L 0 - F 3 - A 0. Charlie Clegg, John Bentley, Richard Gregson, Pa Jackson & Charlie Hughes P 24th of 195, W 19 - D 4 - L 1 - F 99 - A 23.
   team chosen at Trent Bridge Pavilion, Nottingham on Thursday, 28 March 1895
England Lineup
  nine changes to the previous match (Lodge & Gosling remain) league position (28th March) ave lge pos: 9th
  Sutcliffe, John W. 26
359 days
12 April 1868 G Bolton Wanderers FC (FL1 12th) 3 0ᵍᵃ
  Crabtree, James W. 23
104 days
23 December 1871 RB Burnley FC (FL1 9th) 3 0
  Lodge, L. Vaughan 22
106 days
21 December 1872 LB Cambridge University AFC & Corinthians FC 3 0
  Reynolds, John 26
44 days
21 February 1869 RH Aston Villa FC (FL1 3rd) 6 2
Holt, John 29
361 days
10 April 1865 CH Everton FC (FL1 2nd) 9 0
  Needham, Ernest 22
75 days
21 January 1873 LH Sheffield United FC (FL1 6th) 2 0
  Bassett, William I. 26
69 days
27 January 1869 OR West Bromwich Albion FC (FL1 13th) 13 3 or 4
Bloomer, Stephen 21
76 days
20 January 1874 IR Derby County FC (FL1 15th) 2 3
Goodall, John 31
291 days
19 June 1863 CF Derby County FC (FL1 15th) 11 10 or 11
  Gosling, R. Cunliffe 26
295 days
15 June 1868 IL Old Etonians AFC & Corinthians FC 5 2
final app 1892-95
227 Smith, Stephen 21
82 days
14 January 1874 OL Aston Villa FC (FL1 3rd) 1 1
the ninth Villan to represent England only app 1895
reserves: not known
team notes: Jack Reynolds had already played five times for the Irish team, scoring once (1890-91 (two appearances and one goal against England)).
As Everton FC have been using the Goodison Park ground for just 2½ years, then Holt was playing on his home ground.
appearance notes: Billy Bassett is the fifth player to have made thirteen England appearances, whereas John Goodall is the seventh player to have made eleven. Johnny Holt is the twelfth player to make nine appearances.
Jack Reynolds is the 26th player to have made six England appearances and Cunliffe Gosling is the 35th player to have now made five. 72 have made three appearances and 125 players have played for England more than once.
Bassett is the first player to make thirteen appearances under the guidance of the ISC, whereas Goodall is the second player to make eleven and Holt is the third to make nine.
records: England's unbeaten run has now reached a record eighteen matches, since March 1890. Their unbeaten 'Home' run is now extended to a record nine matches.
This is England's first home clean sheet against Scotland, at the twelfth attempt.
Steve Smith is the fortieth player to score on his England debut
goalkeeper records: In the 49th minute of this match, Jack Sutcliffe broke the goalkeeper's clean sheet record of 228 minutes without conceding a goal, by the end of the match - he had gone 270 minutes. The second goalkeeper to keep three clean sheets (after Herbie Arthur), and the first to keep three consecutive clean sheets, and still yet to concede as England goalkeeper.
"The teams arrived in Liverpool on Friday night... while the Englishmen put up at the Alexandra in Dale-street."
2-3-5 Sutcliffe -
Crabtree, Lodge -
Reynolds, Holt, Needham -
Bassett, Bloomer, Goodall, Gosling, Smith


Age 25 years 103 days Appearances/Goals 5.3 1.6-1.8

England teams v. Scotland:


Gay Clare Pelly Reynolds Holt Needham Bassett Goodall G.Smith Chadwick Spiksley


Sutcliffe Crabtree Lodge Bloomer Goodall Gosling S.Smith


Scotland Team

Rank No official ranking system established;
ELO rating 2nd
Colours 'the Scots donned Dark blue' round necked jerseys with off-centre buttoned-up collar, white shorts, dark socks. (photo evidence)
Captain Jimmy Oswald Selection The Scottish Football Association Selection Committee, of seven members,
only match, W 0 - D 0 - L 1 - F 0 - A 3.   team chosen on Saturday, 29 March 1895 following their match against Ireland.
 voted in ahead of Bill Lambie, Doyle and Drummond also nominated
Scotland Lineup
 (Selection Committee voting results)          
  McArthur, Daniel
240 days
9 August 1867 G The Celtic FC 2 4ᵍᵃ
  Drummond, John
358 days
13 April 1870 RB Rangers FC 4 0
  Doyle, Daniel
 (14; Foyers 8)
202 days
16 September 1864 LB The Celtic FC 5 0
  Simpson, James
 (13; W.Gibson 6, Marshall 3)
4 days
2 April 1873 RH Third Lanark FC 3 0
final app 1895
  Russell, David Kennedy
99 days
9 January 1871 CH Heart of Midlothian FC 2 0
  Gibson, Neil
42 days
23 February 1873 LH Rangers FC 2 0
the eighth own goal scored for England
  Gulliland, William
 (19; Taylor 6)
63 days
3 February 1871 OR Queen's Park FC 4 0
final app 1891-95
  Waddell, Thomas Smith
148 days
9 November 1870 IR Queen's Park FC 6 2
final app 1891-95
  Oswald, James
 (14; Jock McPherson 4)
93 days
3 January 1868 CF Edinburgh St. Bernard's FC 2 1
  McPherson, John
 (15; Sandy M'Mahon 6, Madden 4)
291 days
19 June 1868 IL Rangers FC 8 4
  Lambie, William Allan
86 days
10 January 1873 OL Queen's Park FC 5 4
reserves: John Patrick (St. Mirren FC), David Crawford (Rangers FC), Robert Foyers (St. Bernard FC), Robert Marshall (Rangers FC), Robert Barbour (Third Lanark FC), George Hogg (Heart of Midlothian FC), Jack Taylor (St. Mirren FC), John Madden (The Celtic FC), Allan Martin (Hibernian FC), William Sawers (Dundee FC), John Divers (The Celtic FC).
team notes: The Scottish Referee gave details of the voting procedure by the Scottish Selection Committee, details outlined above.
"The teams arrived in Liverpool on Friday night, the Scotchmen making their headquarters the Compton Hotel."
The team left Glasgow's St. Enoch Street Station on the Friday evening, 5.30pm train.
2-3-5 McArthur -
Drummond, Doyle -
Simpson, Russell, Gibson -
Gulliland, Waddell, Oswald, McPherson, Lambie


Age 25 years 47 days Appearances/Goals 3.9 0.9
       Match Report Athletic News, Monday, 8 April 1895

HE crowd was fully 20,000 strong half-an-hour before the time fixed for kick-off, but the interval was whiled away in speculation as to the result of the contest, in good-humored banter between Englishmen and Scotchmen, and in enjoying the spectacle of two stalwart pipers marching round the enclosure playing 'music' which appealed to the gathering of the clans. A large party of Scotchmen who assembled in a solid phalanx on the reserved stand were particularly demonstrative every time they were thrilled by the pibroch. but then there was no mistaking the fact that the distilled dewdrops of the mountainsides had been freely assimilated. Four o'clock was, truly, late enough for a commencement, but at that hour, and just as the peregrinating pipers had completed their last parade, Gosling led on the English team amid cheers; but they were not immediately followed by the Scots. Indeed, nearly eleven minutes elapsed before Oswald headed Scotia's eleven.
   Oswald lost no time in shaking hands with Gosling, and the coin being tossed in the air the Edinburgh centre-forward named it. Scotland accordingly took the City goal, which gave them the advantage of a slight wind blowing towards Walton. The hurly-burly began as the teams lined up, and at 4-13 Goodall gave the ball motion. M'Pherson and Lambie raised hopes as they promptly dashed along the left. They were nearing the goal of their ambition when Lodge brought them up. England, who were dressed in white, while Scotland donned dark blue, promptly retaliated. The towering figure of Gosling, with the ball at his toe, was seen threading his way through a maze of players. Just as he passed the eighteen yards line he was tackled by Simpson, while Drummond kicked out, clear over the stand. This however, did not thwart the Englishmen, for they pressed, and at the end of two minutes were conceded the first corner, but Needham placed the ball behind the goal. The game was fast and furious, the left wings of both sides doing most of the leading work, while Crabtree and Doyle were conspicuous for clever back-play. Needham was likewise very prominent in these early exchanges, and the last-named centred right in front of the Scotch goal, but Reynolds lifted the ball over the bar. Smith and Gosling continued their aggressive movements, the pair working admirably together, and Reynolds, obtaining the leather, dribbled in nicely and steadied himself, but his final effort was wide of the mark. On really settling down the feature of the game was the speedy combined movements of the English forwards. They lined up time after time at a thrilling pace, the Scotch half-backs being quite powerless to check their advances. Bassett and Bloomer were very smart on the ball, but their shots were not as accurate as they might have been. Waddell and Gulliland, on the other side, were likewise a source of danger, and when Crabtree was beaten by Waddell, who centred finely, matters looked awkward; but Lodge, ever on the alert, cleared his lines with a huge kick. This Scotch wing was indeed very troublesome for some time, but Lodge repeatedly distinguished himself by his well-timed and judicious relief kicks. On the other side, Doyle made some excellent returns. A brilliant run by Smith, who was well fed by Gosling, was loudly applauded. The ball, however, being repassed to the English captain, he could not quite steady himself, and Smith, regaining the leather, sent in a clever screw shot, which the Celtic goalkeeper nearly put into the net. Drummond clearing right off the line to the middle of the field. This helped Scotland to attack, but the ball was twice sent over the English goal, the shooting of the Scottish forwards being very wild. Lodge and Reynolds put in some good work in defeating Lambie. M'Pherson, and Oswald; but once the Scotchmen were beaten back, there seemed, from this point, no holding the English forwards, their combination and passing being in brilliant contrast to the scrambling, ragged efforts of the Caledonians. Owing to the clever work of the three English inside men, the Scotch stronghold seemed in danger of being captured. Bloomer was in a splendid position, but could not take aim owing to being hustled. Still, two shots, with great pace behind them, were made. One of them struck Doyle, and finally the ball was scrummaged away—a very narrow escape for the Scotchmen, who, however, rallied. Sutcliffe was tested by shots from Lambie and M'Pherson. The first of these he got away rather slowly, and from the second he gave a corner. The flag-kick was well taken, and in the play which followed, Waddell, at 4-35, shot through the English goal, but Sutcliffe vigorously claimed a foul, and the referee agreeing with him, no point was allowed. The Whites made straight away to the other end, and just about the 18 yards line a free kick for hands was claimed and allowed. Holt placed the ball very nicely, and Bloomer, seeing his opening, sent in a terrific ground ball with his left foot. This took effect, and so the first goal was scored for England at 4-38. Save that Waddell initiated a strong attack, which was neutralised by the magnificent head play of Lodge, the Southerners continued to have the best of the argument, and at the end of four minutes (4-42) a second goal was credited to England. Smith, from a pass by Gosling, sped swiftly down his wing. He transferred to his partner, who tipped the ball to Goodall. The latter appeared to be going clean through the Scottish defence, but a scrummage occurred. Goodall sent in a shot which brought M'Arthur to his knees. He only partially cleared, and the ball rebounded off Gibson through the Scottish goal. This was the second point registered. Waddell and Gulliland did most of the leading work for their side, but there was a great lack of unity in the Scotch forwards, and their attacks were never consummated, owing to this defect. Reynolds and Bassett, Gosling and Holt, were very tricky in their movements, and at times it appeared as if the Englishmen could almost do as they liked. The English captain was given a fine chance, but his shot was a poor thing, and passed harmlessly outside the posts. Still, Gosling played with conspicuous unselfishness. His one idea seemed to be to give Smith every chance. The Aston Villa man got over a lot of ground in workmanlike fashion, but Drummond dashing in, gave the ball to his front rank, and Lodge, being considerably pressed kicked back to Sutcliffe, who punted out in most approved style. Another attack by the Englishmen enabled Needham to put in a rare screw which was cunningly curling under the bar when Doyle intercepted its flight with his head. Scotland here made a spirited effort, and Sutcliffe cleared a long shot to Oswald. The Scotch captain shortly afterwards passed to Lambie, who steadied himself, and tested Sutcliffe from close range with a swift ball. The Bolton Wanderer, however, threw away most deftly, but even then danger was not averted, for Waddell made two shots, both very dangerous. It was at this time that Sutcliffe distinguished himself by a marvellous fear. The Scotch forwards were all in front of him, and the excitement was intense as Sutcliffe, with unfailing judgment, ran out a distance of four or five yards, and using his hand like a cricket bat, took the ball clean away from the toes of his opponents. It was a stroke in the nature of a drive, and the leather rolled swiftly along the grass outside the corner flag. These daring tactics were applauded to the echo. Sutcliffe did not escape scatheless, for in the fray he was accidentally kicked in the back of the head by Waddell. The ringing cheers had barely subsided before Gosling and his comrades had rushed to the other extremity of the ground. It was an incisive attack, and Drummond headed away a difficult shot, The ball went to the foot of Smith who registered the third goal a minute before half-time with a beautiful lofty shot, which travelled at such a pace and so accurately that the Scottish custodian had no chance of intercepting it. Although three goals in arrear Scotland attacked with spirit, and a free kick for hands against Lodge looked very dangerous, but Holt relieved, and the interval arrived.
   The game restarted at 5-8 and the Scots commenced in good form, there being some admirable passing between Gulliland and Oswald, which enabled the Scotch captain to become very dangerous, but Lodge doubled him up while Sutcliffe cleared. Gosling passed beautifully to Smith, and the latter sprinting along centred magnificently, but Bassett was rather at fault, and Russell cleared. Oswald several times tried to break away, but Holt was his policeman. The English forwards still continued their masterly tactics, and Bassett forced a corner off Doyle, but the ball was headed wide, while shortly afterwards Simpson neutralised a nice movement by the English right. The Whites were running around the Scotchmen, but their shooting at the finish of all their work was very faulty. Sutcliffe cleared from Waddell, and the ball was quickly transferred to the other end, when a splendid centre by Bassett right from the line seemed likely to take effect. M'Arthur, however, jumped up, and cut the ball out just near the bar. Sutcliffe was, however, not allowed to rest on his laurels, and he cleared two or three shots in fine form, while Smith sent in a brilliant screw which Doyle headed effectively. So the game waged, but it certainly was not increasing in interest. The English forwards and half-backs were doing most of the leading work, but trickiness with the ball rather than sterling play was the rule. The Englishmen did not go straight for goal in determined fashion. They appeared prone to play to the gallery, and naturally these tactics, although pretty, did not bring goals. Lambie, M'Pherson, and Gulliland were the leading spirits in several forward movements, but Crabtree, Lodge, and Needham were not to be beaten, while when the ball got past them there was still that huge stumbling-block Sutcliffe. Thrice did the Bolton Wanderer deal with well-meant efforts, and one of these—a very swift ball from Waddell in the midst of a scrummage—Sutcliffe cleared amid cheers. Goodall and Gosling were very conspicuous, and the latter running clean through several opponents, crashed the ball into the net, but no goal was allowed, the offside rule having being infringed. The English forwards were again in full swing, but Russell was very prominent in pulling them up. The Scotchmen did their share of attacking, and Sutcliffe twice more relieved his lines with huge punts in the most approved style of a finished three-quarter back. The Englishmen certainly showed a disinclination to shoot, although they were having the best of the argument, and at this time the referee came in for considerable criticism owing to some of his decisions in regard to offside, such, for instance, as giving a free kick against Smith with four or five players in front of  him. Smith shortly afterwards ran round Drummond, and passing to the right, Bloomer and Goodall put in some clever work. M'Arthur saving his charge with a dash of luck. After a fine but abortive run by Bassett, who was grassed by Russell, the Scotch forwards lined up capitally, but Sutcliffe dashed out out in the nick of time, and with excellent judgment kicked away. Towards the finish the Southrons swarmed round the Scotch goal, and put in repeated shots, but without avail. Scotland made a kind of expiring effort by their left wing, but the ball went wide, and the English forwards had just travelled into Scotch quarters when the referee sounded the whistle for the cessation of hostilities. 


       Match Report The Times, Monday, 8 April 1895
The skill of the English eleven prevailed on Saturday at Goodison-park, Liverpool, and the Scotchmen were thoroughly beaten by three goals to none. At almost every point the home game possessed more dash and precision, but the secret of the superiority could easily be traced to the play of the English half-backs, who not only broke up the visitors' combination, but few their own forwards so well as to lay the foundation for the majority of the sharp attacks on the Scottish goal. The best thing in the visitors' football was their strong defence at full back and in goal. M'Arthur had more to do than Sutcliffe, but the latter's manner of getting the ball away in the second period was one of the most striking features of the match. Six years ago Scotland had the majority of 11 victories to three in the matches with England ; but they have not won a game since, and the last few seasons have seen England considerably reduce this difference between the records. In fact, Saturday's was their seventh success in the 24 years during which the contest has taken place. Goodison-park, which is the headquarters of the Everton Club, makes a fine ground for the accommodation of the public, and there were quite 30,000 people present. There was no change in the originally chosen elevens, and both were warmly cheered as they entered the field of play.
With the wind in their faces England started the game some ten minutes after the advertised time---4 o'clock...
...The left wings had taken the ball up and a free kick had fallen to the home side. This was well judged by Holt, who sent the ball up to Bloomer, and the latter kicked it between the posts. More fine passing among the English forwards with plenty of good centres from Bassett and Smith kept the Scotch defence closely engaged, and at last the ball went in from the left to Goodall, who made a shot that M'Arthur failed to get properly away, and the ball went back into the goal off one of the defenders... In the last minute of the first half a good opening presented itself to Smith, and this he promptly seized, and this goal brought England's score at the interval to three to none
       In Other News....
It was on 7 April 1895 that the disgraced former MP, Jabez Balfour left Buenos Aires on a ship bound for Southampton after being arrested by Inspector Frank Froest of Scotland Yard. He was to face charges of conspiracy and fraud amounting to around £7 million in his directorship of a number of companies. Balfour was sentenced to 14 years in prison for embezzlement and his likeness even appeared in Madame Tussaud's waxworks museum at the height of his notoriety.
Domestic Football Results (6 April 1895)                                                Teams in a silver box denotes a player representing England
The Football League Division One:      
Aston Villa 5 Burnley 0
   Wellington Road, Birmingham (4,000)
Dorrell (2), Athersmith, Hodgetts, Chatt
Villa were without Jack Reynolds and Steve Smith, but did start with Charlie Athersmith, Jack Devey & Denny Hodgetts
Burnley were without Jimmy Crabtree
Derby County 0 Blackburn Rovers 0
   Racecourse Ground, Derby (2,000)
County were without John Goodall and Steve Bloomer, but start with Jack Robinson and Jack Cox
Rovers did start with Jimmy Forrest, Jimmy Whitehead and Harry Chippendale
Nottingham Forest 3 Liverpool 0
   Town Ground, Nottingham (4,000)
Carnelly (2), McInnes
Liverpool started with Frank Becton
Wednesday 0 Stoke 0
   Olive Grove, Sheffield (3,000)
Tom Crashaw and Fred Spiksley started for Wednesday
Tommy Clare and Joe Schofield started for Stoke
The game at Sheffield was brought to a premature end when a spectator threw mud at the referee, during a period of hostile abuse against the official, in disagreement with his decisions. His severe reaction was to immediately walk off the field and out of the ground. Five days later, the Football League ordered the game to be replayed, with the same referee, John Lewis. Stoke won, 4-2 and then escaped relegation by winning their test match at the end of the season.

Division One Table
Team P
Sunderland 28 43
Everton 26 39
Aston Villa 28 37
Blackburn Rovers 28 31
Nottingham Forest 27 31
Preston North End 27 30
Sheffield United 28 30
Wednesday 27 28
Burnley 28 26
Small Heath 29 23
Wolverhampton Wanderers 27 22
Bolton Wanderers 27 21
Liverpool 28 21
West Bromwich Albion 27 20
Derby County 28 20
Stoke 27 18
The Football League Division Two:      
Burslem Port Vale 5 Grimsby Town 0
   Athletic Ground, Stoke (800)
Dean (2), Evans, Beats, Mason
Burton Swifts 0 Bury 1
   Peel Croft, Burton (2,500)
Darwen 4 Manchester City 0
   Barley Bank, Darwen (3,000)
Robson OG, Shaw (3)
Darwen started with Bill Townley
Lincoln City 1 Leicester Fosse 2
   John O'Gaunts, Lincoln (2,000)
Elades ~ Gallacher, McArthur
Newton Heath 5 Newcastle United 1
   Bank Street, Manchester (6,000)
Cassidy (2), Smith (2), McDermott OG ~ Dickson
Woolwich Arsenal 7 Crewe Alexandra 0
   Manor Ground, Plumstead (5,000)
Davis, Hare, Crawford, O'Brien, Buchanan (2), Boyle

Division Two Table
Team P
Bury 27 45
Newton Heath 26 36
Notts County 28 36
Darwen 27 34
Grimsby Town 27 34
Leicester Fosse 28 34
Woolwich Arsenal 28 32
Burton Wanderers 26 30
Manchester City 27 27
Newcastle United 27 25
Burton Swifts 28 25
Rotherham Town 28 20
Lincoln City 27 16
Walsall Town Swifts 26 16
Burslem Port Vale 28 14
Crewe Alexandra 26 10
Bury's victory secured the Second Division Championship for them, but they did not secure promotion to the top flight until three weeks later, when they defeated Liverpool in a test match. It was their first season in the Football League.
       Source Notes
England Football Factbook
Rothman's Yearbooks
The Football Association Yearbooks
Original Newspaper Reports
James Corbett's England Expects [2006] p27-28
Bill Smith (Blue Correspondent)