England Football Online
Results 1872-1890
Page Last Updated 17 March 2024 Alba
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5 vs. Scotland
Scotland are England's first ever opposition
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2 vs. Scotland
Saturday, 30 November 1872
Association Friendly Match
Scotland 0 England 0 [0-0]
The teams changed ends after 45 minutes
     Scotland are the first nation visited by England

The West of Scotland Cricket Ground, Hamilton Crescent, Peel Street, Partick, Glasgow, Lanarkshire
Kick-off (London Time): 2:15pm.
Attendance: 'there being on close 4,000 spectators'; 'upwards of 5,000 visitors'
most reports say 4,000, but probably as low as 2,500.
There were at least 2,500 paying gentlemen as the ladies were admitted free!
England's first visit to Hamilton Crescent, to Glasgow, to Lanarkshire and to Scotland
Cuthbert Ottaway kicked-off  
[0-0] Robert Leckie strike hits the tape  
first ever scoreless first half/second half
The world's first official international football match Played according to FA rules

Match Summary

Officials [umpires and referees are of equal relevance] Scotland Party Team Records

England Party

Umpires Notes: Glasgow Academical Rugby Club offered their ground at Burnbank free of charge. Instead, The West of Scotland Cricket Club received £20 (not £1.10s) for the hire of the ground. *see notes belowBoth teams wore stockings of different colours. This was, in the first place, to indicate to a player in possession of the ball the positions of his fellow-players on the field, by watching their pedal extremities; and, secondly, to enable the spectators to identify a player by his party-coloured stockings. Cards were issued by the Queen's Park, giving the teams, and the colours of their stockings. - The Scottish Football Historical Archive
Charles William Alcock
29 (2 December 1842)
Sunderland, Durham
(Hon. Secretary of FA)
Henry Norris Smith
40/41 (1831/32)
Glasgow, Lanarkshire.
(President of Queen's Park FC)
will play for England in 1875
William Keay
33 (20 June 1839) Scone, Perthshire
, also a reserve for the team
(Hon. Treasurer of Queen's Park FC)
Scotland Team
Rank No official ranking system established;
ELO rating 2nd
The colours of Queen's Park FC
Dark blue shirts with a red single-lion crest, white knickerbockers, with blue & white striped socks, red head cowls.
Captain Robert Gardner Selection Robert Gardner, 25 (31 May 1847), Queen's Park FC.
P 1 of 2 - W 0 - D 1 - L 0 - F 0 - A 0 P 1 - W 0 - D 1 - L 0 - F 0 - A 0
Scotland Lineup
one   Gardner, Robert 25
183 days
31 May 1847 G/For

Queen's Park FC

1 0ᵍᵃ
will be an umpire in the 1876 fixture youngest/oldest opp. gk so far
two   Kerr, William T. 20
254 days
21 March 1852 Backs Queen's Park FC & Granville FC 1 0
youngest opp. player so far
three   Taylor, Joseph 21
350 days
16 December 1850 Queen's Park FC 1 0
four   Thomson, James J. 20
341 days
25 December 1851 Half
Queen's Park FC 1 0
five   Smith, James 28
77 days
14 September 1844 Queen's Park FC & South Norwood FC, England 1 0
oldest opp. player so far only app 1872
six   Smith, Robert 24
213 days
1 May 1848 For/G Queen's Park FC & South Norwood FC, England 1 0ᵍᵃ
seven   Leckie, Robert 26
42 days
19 October 1846 For Queen's Park FC 1 0
only app 1872
eight   Rhind, Alexander 23
71 days
20 September 1849 Queen's Park FC 1 0
only app 1872
nine   MacKinnon, William M. 20
317 days
18 January 1852 Queen's Park FC 1 0
ten   Weir, James B. 21
40 days
21 October 1851 Queen's Park FC 1 0
eleven   Wotherspoon, David 23
235 days
9 April 1849 Queen's Park FC 1 0
reserves: Alexander Broadfoot and the referee, William Keay (both Queen's Park FC)
team notes: James and Robert Smith were brothers.
William Kerr is often found as Ker in history books - but definitely baptised a Kerr in Edinburgh.
Weir's birthdate often given as 23 November, but that was when he was baptised.
records: Scotland's team was provided by the entire Queen's Park FC team, a record that can never be broken. Eleven players from one club.


Gardner (R.Smith) -
Kerr, Taylor -
J.Smith -
R.Smith (Gardner), Leckie, Rhind, MacKinnon, Weir, Wotherspoon.
Gardner and R.Smith switched positions after 45 minutes.
Averages: Age 23 years 127 days Appearances/Goals 1.0 0.0
England Team
Rank No official ranking system established;
ELO rating 1st
Colours "For the purposes of distinction, the Englishmen will wear white jerseys with the English arms embroidered on left breast, dark blue appearances, and white flannel trousers or knickerbockers"

Cuthbert Ottaway Selection The Football Association Committee with secretary Charles W. Alcock having the primary influence
youngest & oldest captain so far
P 1 of 2, W 0 - D 1 - L 0 - F 0 - A 0 P 1 of 31, W 0 - D 1 - L 0 - F 0 - A 0
  team chosen on Thursday, 14 November 1872 from seventeen names.
England Lineup
one   Barker, Robert 25
164 days
19 June 1847 G/Left Hertfordshire Rangers FC & Wanderers FC 1 0ᵍᵃ
one oldest player (& goalkeeper) so far only app 1872
two   Greenhalgh, E. Harwood 23
269 days
6 March 1849 3/4
Notts County FC 1 0
three   Welch, Reginald Courtenay 21
44 days
17 October 1851 HB Wanderers FC & Harrow Chequers FC 1 0
four   Chappell, Frederick 23
131 days
22 July 1849 fly kick Oxford University AFC 1 0
only app 1872
two   Maynard, W. John 19
257 days
18 March 1853 Left/G First Surrey Rifles FC 1 0ᵍᵃ
five youngest player (& goalkeeper) so far
six   Brockbank, John 24
100 days
22 August 1848 Right Cambridge University AFC 1 0
only app 1872
seven   Clegg, J. Charles 22
168 days
15 June 1850 Middle Wednesday FC 1 0
will umpire the 1883 fixture only app 1872
eight   Smith, A. Kirke 22
221 days
23 April 1850 Oxford University AFC 1 0
only app 1872
nine   Ottaway, Cuthbert J. 22
134 days
19 July 1850 Oxford University AFC 1 0
ten   Chenery, Charles J. 22
334 days
1 January 1850 Crystal Palace FC 1 0
eleven   Morice, Charles J. 22
187 days
27 May 1850 Left Barnes FC & Harrow Chequers FC 1 0
only app 1872
reserves: George Holden (Clapham Rovers FC). John Maynard was also originally named as the second reserve.
team changes: The original team, chosen sixteen days previous to this match included Harrow Chequers FC's Monty Betts, Crystal Palace FC's Alec Morten and Wanderers FC's Thomas Hooman. But due to illness, they were replaced with Barker, Maynard and Smith.
team notes: The Scotsman, in their humorous wisdom, changed the names for Hooman to Whichman, and Morten to Lester.
Frederick Chappell was written in the teamsheet as F. McLean.
records: The Oxford University AFC provide three players for this team, a record so far.
1-2-7 Barker (Maynard) -
Greenhalgh -
Welch, Chappell -
(Barker), Brockbank, Clegg, Smith, Ottaway, Chenery, Morice.
Barker and Maynard switched positions after 45 minutes.
Averages: Age 22 years 283 days Appearances/Goals 1.0 0.0
"At the conclusion of the match, three hearty cheers were given to the England team, a compliment they returned to the Scottish team. In the evening the Englishmen were entertained to dinner in Carrick's Royal Hotel." - The Scotsman, Monday, 2 December 1872
       Match Report The Scotsman, Monday, 2 December 1872

This match came off on the West of Scotland ground, Glasgow, on Saturday, in presence of the largest seen at any football match in Scotland, there been close on 4000 spectators, including a good number of ladies. For the first time since its inauguration has the match really earned for itself the title of International, both teams being bona fide players in each country, and the wisdom of the committee of the association in deciding to play the match in Scotland was shown by its great success, judged either by the play or the attendance. The day was dull though dry, but the rain of the previous night had made the ground somewhat soft. The English team, even with the changes made in it, was very strong, the eleven comprising representatives from nine of the crack clubs of England. Their play all through, especially forward, was very much admired, Ottaway, the English captain, standing conspicuous, and astonishing the spectators by some very pretty "dribbling". During the first half of the game the English team did not work so well together, but in the second half they left nothing to be desired in this respect. The Scotch team, on the other hand, though not comprising so many brilliant players, worked from first to last well together, through knowing each other's play. The match, after an hour and a half's play, ended in a draw, Scotland having the best of it in the first half of the game, England in the second. The English uniform consisted of white jerseys, with the arms of England as a badge, dark blue caps, and white trousers and knickerbockers. Dark blue jerseys, with the Scottish lion for a badge, white knickerbockers, blue and white striped stockings, and red cowls completed the Scottish uniform.

  Shortly after two o'clock play began. The Scottish captain, having won the toss, chose the upper goal, England having the disadvantage of fighting up the brae during the first half of the game. The English captain led off with a good kick, but it was quickly sent back by one of the Scotch half-backs, and after some skirmishing on the part of the forwards, the English captain distinguished himself by a beautiful piece of dribbling till he had got within 15 yards of Scotland's goal line, finishing up with a good kick which sent the ball over. The Scotch now came away with a great rush, Leckie and others dribbling the ball so smartly that the English lines were closely besieged, and the ball was soon behind. The Scotch play at this part elicited loud cheers. Nothing daunted, the English team came away in magnificent style, and were soon into the very heart of the Scotch territory, when one of the Scotch team kicked the ball behind his own goal line, which gave the English the advantage of punting the ball out; but no benefit resulted therefrom. Weir now had a splendid run for Scotland into the heart of the opponents' territory, but the English captain followed this up by a still finer piece of play, the manner in which he dribbled the ball past nearly all his opponents being unique, and brought forth a ringing cheer. Rhind and Weir next turned the tables for Scotland by a piece of excellent play, and passed all the English forwards till Welch stopped their career. England made another gallant attempt on the Scottish lines, and were twice splendidly repulsed by capital back play. In turn, Scotland twice made splendid rushes, Weir and Rhind showing conspicuously in front. English territory was again cleared, until Weir and Leckie once more put their goal in danger, passing all the English forwards. Greenhalgh, however, came to the rescue, and after charging first one and then the other of his opponents, piloted the ball splendidly out of danger. Scotland immediately after again bore down on their opponent's goal, and through a misunderstanding on the part of the English captain and Greenhalgh (back), Weir, amid great excitement, got past them both but the great speed of the English captain enabled him to retrieve the threatened disaster, and put the ball out of danger. The narrow escape had a wonderful effect on the English team, who again to a man came away, Scotland's goal getting endangered for a time. As if to show what they could do, the Scottish team mad a grand effort, and came away right into the heart of English ground. So certain did success appear at this time that the greatest excitement prevailed, a good kick from Leckie causing tremendous cheering from all parts of the ground, so satisfied were the majority that a goal had been won for Scotland. To the great chagrin of the Scotch it was, however, given no goal, the ball passing hardly an inch above the tape. Time was now called, and ends reversed.
   Both sides now redoubled their energy for the final struggle, the Scotch fighting with indomitable pluck against the immense forward strength of their opponents. The English soon came away in fine style into Scotland's quarters, Ottaway, Clegg, Kirke-Smith, and Morice making vigorous onslaughts which were as brilliantly repulsed. Scottish ground was again cleared for a time, and the war carried into the enemy's camp; but the English captain, Morice, Kirke-Smith, and Clegg were not to be denied, and piloted the ball well into Scottish ground, and once or twice all but got it through. The Scottish team again played well together, and not only raised the siege, but in turn threatened the English lines. Morice, Maynard, Kirke-Smith, and the captain helped considerably to their territory, Scotland again having to act somewhat on the defensive. For some time the ball was kept between Scotch territory and the centre of the ground, Clegg, Kirke-Smith, Brockbank, and the Captain trying several times to get the ball through, but without success. Once the Scotch goal was only saved through a combined effort on part of the Weir, Rhind, Wotherspoon, Leckie, and Kerr, the latter passing all his opponents, and getting into the centre of their territory. This success, however, was very short-lived, Chappell by a well-executed run, during which he knocked aside some half-dozen of his opponents, piloting the ball safely out of danger—a piece of play which was cheered. The Southrons made another splendid effort to get through, but it was as well beaten off. Brockbank on one occasion, when dribbling the ball well into Scottish ground, was splendidly charged by M'Kinnon and Wotherspoon—the whole three falling heavily. Nothing else of note occurred, time being called when the ball had been brought near the centre of the ground, the match thus ending in a draw. Where all did so well special attention seems invidious, though the splendid play of the Captain, Kirke-Smith, Brockbank, Morice and Clegg for England was the subject. For Scotland, Weir, Leckie, Rhind, and especially conspicuous.

       Match Report Sheffield & Rotherham Independent, Monday, 2 December 1872
This match, which has created a vast amount of interest amongst football players who adopt the Association code, was played on Saturday afternoon, at Glasgow, on the West of Scotland Cricket Ground, at Partick. The weather was fine, and there were upwards of 5000 visitors upon the ground. Play began about three o'clock, the Scotchmen winning the toss, and the English captain had to kick off, sending the ball well into the lines of the Scotch team, Ottaway and Chenery displaying splendid dribbling. Soon after commencing, the Scotchmen, headed by Weir, Rhind, and Ker, sent the ball forward into the English territory, the whole team working well together, and the warfare was carried on in the English lines, where Leckie almost succeeded in kicking a goal, the ball landing on the tape amidst loud cheers. On ends being changed at half-time, the Englishmen played well, and kept the ball well in their opponents' quarters, but when time was called neither side had obtained a goal, so the match was drawn.
       Match Report Bell's Life in London and Sporting Chronicle, Sunday, 1 December 1872
Pitch slightly greasy from two or three days' sustained rain, which slowed to a drizzle on the morning of the match and gave way to weak sunshine by kick-off time.
A splendid display of football in the really scientific sense of the word, and a most determined effort on the part of the representatives of the two nationalities to overcome each other.
The only thing which saved the Scotch team from defeat, considering the powerful forward play of England, was the magnificent defensive play and tactics shown by their backs, which was also taken advantage of by the forwards.
       Ground Notes
The West of Scotland Cricket Ground were to be offered £10 for the match, and in case the gross drawings exceeded £45 one-half of any drawings over that sum, until the drawings reached £65, and one-third of the drawings over £50 whatever they might be ; or, should these offers be refused, £10, and a further sum of £10 should the drawings amount to £50. This last was apparently accepted by the West of Scotland club, as £20 was the sum paid the West of Scotland Cricket Ground for the use of their ground. The game financially proved to be an enormous success, as the takings amounted to £102 19s. 6d., and the expenditure £69 l1s. 6d., leaving a balance of £33 8s. 0d. This credit balance was set aside as an "International fund," and £32 of it was used to send Queen's Park players to London to play the return International there on 8th March, 1873. 
It could have been so different...
Glasgow Academical Rugby Club offered their ground at Burnbank free of cost for the International. The West of Scotland Cricket Club ground at Partick was, however, preferred, and fixed upon as the scene of the great encounter.
- Queen's Park FC minutes
       In Other News....
It was on 29 November 1872 that Adolphe Thiers, the provisional President of the (yet to be declared) French Republic, faced mounting opposition in the National Assembly at Versailles, causing several of his Cabinet ministers to resign.
       Source Notes

The Football Association Yearbook
original newspaper report

Douglas Lamming's A Century of English International Football 1872-1988
Douglas Lamming's A Scottish Internationalists' Who's Who 1872-1986
Nick Gibbs England: The Football Facts
Brian James' England v Scotland

John Maxwell's Scottish International Football Archive (website)
Andy Mitchell's First Elevens: The birth of international football

David Rice (ElectricScotland.com)
Jack Rollin's Rothmans Book of Football Records
The Scottish Football Association, Scottish Match Archive
Mark Shaoul & Tony Williamson's Forever England: A History of the National Side
Michael Southwick's Cuthbert Ottaway: England's First Football Captain
John Treleven